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[–]zyxzevn 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is incorrect, I work with a lot of different "invisible matter". So I would be on the top. ;-)

The whole system is stuck in Samsara. That is the machine of illusion, and the wheel of karma. It holds us in fear, and suffering.

It means that people (and spirits) are stuck in the illusion of desire and power. Instead of giving power, it has power over them. The desire is never fulfilled, and becomes an obsession. It is impossible to escape the illusion, unless one steps out of the power and desire that drives it.

The people in the system try to capture others in the system they are stuck in. So it seems as if they have power over us. They don't. They don't even have power over themselves. The illusions have power over them. And you and me can step out of that easily. It is like switching off the TV for a while. Not contributing to their illusions removes them of their power.