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[–]winterwillow 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I've thought about this, mostly on the subject on transwomen in lesbian spaces, because tbh I think it's a fight no one will have our backs in. Anyways, let's assume the percentage of lesbians as in actual homosexual women are around 1-2%, and the number of transwomen are about 0,5% but probably growing. That would give us 10-20 lesbians out of 1000 women, and 5 transwomen out of 1000 men. I would guess at least half of those would be transbians, let's say 2. So best case scenario 2 transbians - 20 lesbians in 2000 people would be a good guesstimate.

However, if you're to have a purely lesbian event/group, it is of course complicated by the fact that many lesbians call themselves nonbinary/trans masc or transition even, and some bi women call themselves lesbians, and that transbians would love the validation from something like that so worst case scenario you'd end up with say half the lesbians attending (5-10) all the transbians (3+) and bi women (maybe 10-15 since they at 3-5% of the population easily outnumber lesbians) making lesbians the minority in their own community.

This is just me playing around with numbers though, but the way things are going I wouldn't be surprised if transbians, with AMAB nonbinaries etc added, already (at least in certain populations/cities) outnumber homosexual women.