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[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)


Hibs, we know you're a Zionist.

The only one not arguing in good faith is OP advocating for slaughter and murder of entire peoples. But you're not pointing any of that out, why?

Communism is Judaeo-masonic naturalism OPPOSED to traditional Catholciism, ie. Catholciism. Ever read anything Pope XVII wrote? Any of his enncyclicals? No, probably not. You and your masonic sources claim that monasteries, monasticism and monkery is communism. That's probably why Mexico's revolutionary freemason funded by sephardi Jews and detailed by Cssp Fahey, massacred Jesuits.

Like I said, how convenient that the rabbinic Jew Karl Marx would befriend a host of Jewish communists, Zionist Jews and masons, including revolutionary masonic founders of Young Germany and Italy and be blood related to the rabbinic Rothschild's unchecked capitalist commercialization of nations via their permeant public debt monstrosity, in total opposition to the supernatural santification of grace in Christ; just as how communism is the hegelian dialectic of the Jewish natural messiahs deification of the Jewish 'race.' Communism is a weapon to besiege, infiltrate and destroy Catholic nations.

Marx was a self-hating Jew.

He was not, he was a dialectical-materialist like OP. Claiming to hate Jews but covertly campaigning for the furtherance of the natural messiah's of Judaism via the rejection of Christ and destruction of the Mystical Body of Christ incorporated into nationhood and organization of society as a protector of His Way.

The only reason Jesuits were massacred or killed in these countries, not as the Marrano Jews and Templars we see today, that you call Jesuits, such as the Jew Castro, who had a few curious words to say about Israel and Zionism but was nonetheless Jewish; was because they taught natives trades that kings found to be a egregious lack of civility. It was better they work as slaves and be indentured then be included in the mystical body of Christ.

Secondly, tell me again who created Technocracy? That would be the masonic st-simson school which was considered a Jew school even by Jews themselves.

Again, anyone who cares for truth and not Zionist propaganda blaming everything on Jesuits, including 9/11, should read this:

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

By Jews... I mean the modern def. 'Modern Jews' are Edomites, Khazars (Ashkenaz) and Canaanites.