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[–]takavoid513 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

All the girls only dated tallfags in my highschool year. Anyone over 6'2 had a gf or multiple girls hanging around. There were a few who got gfs that where normies or chad-lights but they did that years before the last year. The teachers treated them like they where high achievers when they did nothing to deserve it, while I was treated like a retard and teased just for being the quiet kid in the corner who had no friends. I had no friends in my classes. I knew one person who was a friend of mine who was 6'5 who didn't have a gf, but that was the fact that he told me he rejected multiple advanced from women. No matter what shit he did he was liked by everyone.

It fucking sucks how people treat you is due to a few cms of bone and nanometres of dna