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[–]OPisaFAGGOT 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

yeah if you think about the hobbies which normies do like watch sports, go to carnivals, and look at pictures of food all day, you start to realize as an outsider how much of a waste of time those things are. You don't even want to partake in those activities because you know that normies do it and normies are fucking retards. Plus, honestly, I'd say that watching Netflix like a normie is a lot worse than watching a blackpill video on Youtube. One is just fake entertainment made by Hollywood, whereas the other is the study of primal instincts that humans contain for sexual attraction. So, fuck normies and their stupid netflix movies, i'd never pay a buck for that faggy app. I'll stick to LDARing and anti-coping, because even if I wanted to go back to bluepill, i literally can't. I have gone off the deep end and i am drowning in it