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[–][deleted]  (12 children)


    [–]Xas 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

    I'm not talking about Cosby Harvey, they wanted sex, probably not companionship, and they exchanged deals in one case or in another drugged their victims, iirc.

    What I'm talking about, I don't recall the exact examples, but I seem to recall from several media sources, portrayals of wealthy men who go to brothels again and again, to chat with a particular prostitute and experience some kind of companionship even if fake.

    As for blame, in some intermediate cases it could be. But you should watch faceandlms videos on youtube before they get taken down. He does experiments with a chad profile in online dating, gets tons of approaches. He acts depressed in some conversations with women, highly insecure in others, very abusive in others, insinuates he molests minors, etc. Doesn't matter what the chad says in conversation or the insult the chad throws, the women not only continue the conversation but schedule a date and give their numbers to him.

    Talks of highly abusive boyfriends, the girls just don't know why they can't do without, of course abusive chad is still chad after all.

    At the same time women complain that they are not slot machines you put in 'niceness' tokens and get sex out of them.
    The existence of the friendzone, women telling their friend how much they understand them and how they wish their abusive boyfriend was just like them. Using them as emotional tampons.

    Face also shows the disinterest, disgust, and uncomfortableness that many women seem to experience and show when a man below their standards approaches them.

    I don't know if you've seen how many places now have guards that approach any men that randomly approach women. Women commenting how they don't like to be complemented on their looks(by men below their standards), women dressing very provocatively(for chad) complaining about being looked at in a sexual way.

    The reality is yes, some incels are fakecels, claiming to be incels but not really, and should approach women and put more effort. But there are real incels who've put the real effort and still see no results. We can dismiss them, as well as the mgtow movement which also knows of female nature?

    How do you tell the mgtows who have experienced perhaps half a dozen failed relations that they should try harder? some have, it hasn't made any difference. When women initiate 80% of divorces, maybe female nature is something that has to be understood.

    Or are you going to deny hypergamy? Or the graphs showing women consider 80% of men below average? Or the fact women who get surgery and lose weight suddenly have an 80~% chance of divorce not the average 50~%? Or the friendzone? Or the existence of chad?

    [–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    It would seem that most of the complaints and behavior that incels have perpetuates a negative feedback cycle.

    Negative feedback didn't come from nowhere, it came from life experiences.

    It's true that all people (not just women) don't like being around negative people.

    Women are attracted to dark triad traits, so that's invalid.