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[–]TwerKing[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (20 children)

What do you suppose is the doable thing to do?? Any practical way for average joes and average janes to solve it??

Because far as I know, there are bigger and way more important forces out there that will destroy the west.

Most of these xms and antigoldens live in murica and you forget they live in a bubble. Many people outside of it already see them for what they are which is trash a long time ago, while more and more people look at those anti-goldens as clowns because they are clowns.

All the pieces are set. It just takes time for them to fall into place. Let the big players in geopolotics do their thing and we can't stop them anyway even if we wanted to, lol.

[–]Golden_Gunner 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

For the average joes and janes

If they are arguing with anyone who is trying to maintain the status quo and negative stereotypes against goldens saying we are small dick/short/flat face or the woman are flat chested and no body shape.

Our rebuttal is to show them the golden mongoloid asian men and woman who disproves these negative stereotypes

For small dick show them pictures/videos/verified content of non-mixed 100 percent golden mongoloid asian man who is big or hung as fuck

Example keni styles, jeremy long, preference-reddit (hung non mixed full japanese GGC brother go to those reddit archive websites and show to people who don’t believe)

For people who think golden asian men are short/weak/ugly/flat face show them content of tall/strong/handsome/non-flat/angular faced goldens like tim chung, harry shum jr, hu bing, or strong tall fighters like taishan dong or da un jung, pictures of pla soldiers (i looked at them and they most certainly don’t have “flat” faces)

This will become more pronounce especially with gen z and younger golden males who are and will get much more taller and physically larger on average compared to older gen goldens

For the people who think asian females are flat and no curves show them asian females like ai shinozaki, sunshine garcia, japanese gravure models. I know there are other non mixed asian actresses and singers who disprove the stereotypes as well.

The average joe and jane needs to educate themselves that there are golden mongoloid asians who do not fit the negative stereotypes/narratives.

This is the strategy/proof the average golden can use to shut up xms/anti goldens and there negative narrative and stereotypes.

If those assholes say there only exceptions fire back and say that hollywood/porn/there media is only showing exceptions too and the average person of other races are not built that way.

[–]TwerKing[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What you're talking about is false propganda. Read my previous response more carefully. I said it has negative tangible value, rendering it useless.

I know ALL about those stupid stereotypes you keep repeating. You act like people outside the usa take hollywood seriously. Lol. It's fair to say you haven't traveled much outside the murica.

Remember, talk is cheap. I want to see you take action. You know, I think it's a better idea for you to share your plans to some of the mods in this sub. I think they might have the resources to assist you but that's if you are not full of sh*t and are able to do your part in contributing as in having the right kind of resources and connections.

I wish you well in your ideas to make it a reality. It would be cool if you are able to pull through but know that it's really not necessary. All the big players in geopolitics are going to overshadow what you set out to do.

[–]Golden_Gunner 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (17 children)

Its a complex issue but not entirely impossible to solve. The average person might not be able to solve it but if we goldens coordinate and work together.

We can make changes to the way people perceive us. But this requires teamwork and a change in attitude.

I believe making a “based” golden media company that supports and makes content that disproves the negative stereotypes/narratives while also proving to be entertaining is one way to do this.

Imagine for example instead of watching asian content that constantly shows golden asian males as being average like jackie chan or mixed race hapas.

We replace them with tall and robustly built changs like tim chung who will be the main romantic interest or warrior fighter protagonist.

We basically need to have entertainment companies that are based and golden pilled. That will go out of its way to change the way goldens are perceived. It will show goldens who will break the negative stereotypes associated with how we look.

The issue with these asian media companies is the beauty standards being different from other races.

Another issue with some asian countries like the Philippines for example is that they heavily push and overrepresent hapas in the entertainment industry.

[–]TwerKing[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (16 children)

I believe making a “based” golden media company that supports and makes content that disproves the negative stereotypes/narratives while also proving to be entertaining is one way to do this.

Then you go do that if you have the resources to do so. I can't do that because I'm too broke. Lol.

Besides, what you are alluding to is false propaganda. You can't eat propaganda and the same thing relates to what I said before, false propaganda (lies) has its limits. It has negative tangible value, rendering it worthless.

We replace them with tall and robustly built changs like tim chung who will be the main romantic interest or warrior fighter protagonist.

I want to see you gather them and show them in your movies if you are able to create a film studio or some kind of entertainment company. Lol.

We basically need to have entertainment companies that are based and golden pilled. That will go out of its way to change the way goldens are perceived. It will show goldens who will break the negative stereotypes associated with how we look. The issue with these asian media companies is the beauty standards being different from other races.

My response to that is the same as above.

Another issue with some asian countries like the Philippines for example is that they heavily push and overrepresent hapas in the entertainment industry.

I don't know much about ph but all I know is they push hapas a lot in their beauty pageant contests which is cringe. Not so sure about their tv shows and movies though. One of my best friends growing up was a filipino dude. During high middle school and high school, we would hang at his house. We used to watch filipino movies with his siblings and parents together. I noticed some of their actors were hapas but a larger amount of them were actually full filipinos, at least the most prestigious and famous ones. Some look mix but are really not. Also, from what I recall, the most common mixed people in the philippines are filipinos mixed with chinese blood, so that makes them full golden.

All in all, you have some very nice ideas and I thank you for sharing them. My one critique for you is you have yet to flesh out the important DETAILS on how you are going to make your ideas a reality.

As for me, I won't be dragged into it because I have no skills to contribute for that kind of stuff, well except maybe for marketing. Other than that, I'm too busy with other things in my life. I'm realistic in my capabilities.

Talk is cheap. Let's see if you can are able to pull through because if you keep responding to me, then you're nothing but made up of hot air. YOU take action mr big idea guy. Good luck.

[–]Golden_Gunner 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (15 children)

Hey how about you drop the hostilities we are here to discuss ideas on this forum.

I didn’t make any claims that i was going to do any of this because i understand my limitations as well. I don’t understand why your getting so work up man.

I was simply here to discuss and formulate IDEAS i don’t understand why your being so hostile and aggressive with your “mr big idea guy” insult.

If you want to change the situation/plight regarding the situation us goldens are facing being more respectful and less passive aggressive to your fellow golden is one way to do that. If we are to take action. Teamwork and coordination is needed to fight against the enemy(xm/anti goldens) being passive aggressive to you own is counter intuitive to that goal.

You wanted me to give you an answer in regards to what us goldens needed to do to change the perception and i gave you an answer/idea.

[–]TwerKing[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (14 children)

Reason why I'm "hostile" is because I dislike people talking a big game sharing ideas when most other people know what the problem is but the same person talking a big game can't pull through themself. Lol.

You wanted me to give you an answer in regards to what us goldens needed to do to change the perception and i gave you an answer/idea.

Those are not really answers. They're just common sense that anyone with half a brain knows. The real answer I'm looking for are details on how you'll execute it. Lol. Details in the technicalities such what's your business plan?? What's the payroll like for workers?? Budgets for expensive equipment?? Rely on angel investmenting?? What are the logistics for the operation to run smoothly?? Mundane but important things like these, etc...

If you want to change the situation/plight regarding the situation

Another thing, there is barely any situation. All the examples I posted (and there are a lot more of them outside the internet) proves there is no "situation". The real "situation" is asian americucks hurting themselves. Subs like these are made to troll them, that's it. Lol.

If you know you can't pull through, yet keep bringing up ideas (which is going to be in vain anyway due to geopoiltics have the greater influence in shaping things), then you're a hypocrite.

[–]Golden_Gunner 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (11 children)

Your doubling down on your hostilities

Why are you so obsess with trying to portray me like i made claims i was going to literally take action on my ideas/answer to you.

I didn’t make any claims that i was going to do any of those things and i was simply discussing/formulating a potential solution to our issue (anti golden narratives) this doesn’t make me a hypocrite.

Your claims that i am a big mouth and talk cheap is simply wrong. I never made any claims that was going to do any of those things.

I was simply giving you a answer/idea to your question.

Are you going to be hostile to anybody else in this forum that tries to give you idea/answers.

Just because people give you ideas/answers here it doesn’t mean we are going to execute/take action. Where just here to discuss potential ideas/solutions to the problems facing the golden people

[–]TwerKing[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

I didn’t make any claims that i was going to do any of those things and i was simply discussing/formulating a potential solution to our issue (anti golden narratives)

It's because you're not the first one or the last to come up with those ideas, genius.

For anybody who is truly serious, back it up with substance as in taking action while having the resources to make it a reality.

Most importantly, bigger forces that actually have all the substances are at play and the so called "situation" has been fixing itself already for the last two decades and continuing, which means your ideas are nothing more than a vanity project.

[–]Golden_Gunner 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

You took the idea/answer i gave to you literally. I was simply talking to you hypothetically because this is a forum to discuss ideas asides from trolling xm/anti goldens.

You keep running off this false premise of taking what i said about the based golden pilled entertainment company idea as me making a claim that i was going to execute that idea literally is just plain wrong.

This based golden pilled entertainment company/companies isn’t a vanity project for my own ego. Its for all of us goldens to better represent ourselves instead of some xm liars/anti golden scum controlling the narrative. Whether the large geopolitical players like China makes a based golden pilled entertainment company like this or a rich golden makes that based golden entertainment company it doesn’t matter.

As long as somebody makes that based golden company to combat the anti-golden narratives thats all that matters.

[–]TwerKing[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

I'll give you a picture of what our conversation looks like from a bird's eyes view.

Golden_Gunner: Bro!! We got to do "a b c " to fix the "situation"!!

TwerKing: Okay. How do you make "a b c" come into fruition?

Golden_Gunner: I don't have the details like the technicalities how to make "a b c" a reality. All I know is whe should do "a b c".

TwerKing: Well yeah. "A b c" have been thought of before so many times. You're not the first or the last person to come up with them. People enjoy talking about "a b c" but lack the grit to make it happen. All talk, no action. Most importantly, there are things and people outside your bubble that renders "a b c" to be nothing but vanity and the "situation" you bring is nothing but a joke. The "situation" is caused by asian-americucks that impotently try to drag everyone with them when reality is they can't. Their stupid country has lost all credibility for awhile now. Most people outside their bubble does not take them seriously.

[–]Golden_Gunner 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

It didn’t say i was the first to make this “a, b, c” ideas. I didn’t make any claims that “oh its a brand new idea that i am the first to come up with”

I though you would be okay with talking about these ideas hypothetically.

Now i know you don’t want to engage in hypothetical ideas/discussions thats fine. I didn’t know before hand that you hated talking about hypothetical ideas/discussions.

About the bubble that your talking about its mostly true. Anybody thats serious/credible wouldn’t believe in the “situation” caused by these chancucks and the stupid lies (anti golden stereotypes/narratives) of those westoids

[–]TwerKing[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

This based golden pilled entertainment company/companies isn’t a vanity project for my own ego. Its for all of us goldens to better represent ourselves instead of some xm liars/anti golden scum controlling the narrative. Whether the large geopolitical players like China makes a based golden pilled entertainment company like this or a rich golden makes that based golden entertainment company it doesn’t matter.

Do you know the real purpose of the examples from the amxf and amaf I showed?? Hint: I'm not trying to raise the self esteem of ams who could be lurking in this sub. I'm no longer do that because I realized non-americuck ams don't really need it. I do it to specifically to aim at other certain demographics to troll the dookie out of them. Lol. Also to show people that are fans of amxf couples. It's simple as that.

I think my comment about the japanese girl's thoughts made you perceive things to be blown way out of proportion. The ethnic features she brought up is commonly true reagrding easians, despite me disagreeing with her a bit. My intention was to show a more diverse take to what she said. But because she lives in japan, a minority of people have the feature of sharp faces which I brought up. Good news is the square jaw, hunter eyes, and high cheekbones is true and they're portrayed to a fair amount. I would know because I consume japanese media and a wide variety of other golden media. Japenese with sharp faces exist all right, although to be honest, not many have them naturally. Around almost one/fifth of the population but that's being generous.

What you think is a "situation" is not really a "situation".

If you know the subtext of what I was implying, it would be proving ams have it better than anybody, regardless of the misrepresentation towards goldens by usa's industrial/military/media-hollywood complex. I'm talking about the big picture, not the usa bubble you're unable to see through. Jba/jbg is real, baby!!

I hope you now understand what I've been saying all this time. Sheesh.

[–]Golden_Gunner 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Its pretty funny with western entertainment media. They want to falsely claim most of there man are built or look like brad pitt/liam hemsworth or all there woman look like curvy bombshells.

The last time i look most of there man and woman aren’t built like that lol. The vast majority are overweight or just plain joe/jane average. Lol

[–]Golden_Gunner 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

“Reason why I'm "hostile" is because I dislike people talking a big game sharing ideas when most other people know what the problem is but the same person talking a big game can't pull through themself. Lol.”

Like i said you wanted an idea/answer i gave you one. Now that i know you take everything literally and not hypothetically i will know how to talk to you from now on.

[–]TwerKing[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So you're full of it then. You've done nothing but try to deflect with empty rambling. Like what I said, none of those were real "answers" on how to make those ideas a reality.

Seems like I need to repeat the same response or two I wrote to you earlier. Take them into consideration if you are honest with yourself.

They repeated these anti golden lies so much that westoids falsely believe them to be true (in there heads)

You understimate that many people are able to think indepenedently. The problem you're bringing up is mainly confined to the usa, the queen bee mommy of all evil in the world .

When you show these anti goldens the truth they will not be able to come up with any rebuttals because there lies are simply not true.

I know. You repeated what I said but just worded differently. Lol. Except the one thing you keep overlooking are the geopolitical activities that have been destroying those false propaganda for a long time now. You aren't able to see it because your looking at it through a murican lense. Start trying to see it from a bigger picture and and outside the murican bubble, then you'll know the usa is in borrowed time. That statement doesn't even do it justice. They're fu**ing done as in no point of no return.

Down in a hell basket the usa is going right now and has been for the last two decades. It will only get worse for that sh*tty country and everyone stupid enough willing to follow them, which is not many. Lol.

I didn’t make any claims that i was going to do any of those things and i was simply discussing/formulating a potential solution to our issue (anti golden narratives)

It's because you're not the first one or the last to come up with those ideas, genius.

What I'm trying to do is to get your head out of the clouds and bring you back Down-To-Earth aka reality or being sensible.

For anybody who is truly serious, back it up with substance as in taking action while having the resources to make it a reality.

Most importantly, bigger forces that actually have all the substances are at play and the so called "situation" has been fixing itself already for the last two decades and continuing, which means your ideas are nothing more than a vanity project.