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[–]Golden_Gunner 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Lets just put it this way

I could care less about xm losers and anti-goldens but the negative narratives and stereotypes they constantly espouse have a very damaging effect to our reputation and will influence the way people perceive us.

There is a saying “when you tell a lie enough it becomes the truth”

These negative narratives and stereotypes need to be taken seriously and properly rebutted so they lose effectiveness and people’s perceptions of goldens change.

[–]TwerKing[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

You seem to be panicking in vain though while dodging my questions.

There is a saying “when you tell a lie enough it becomes the truth”

That's incorrect, believe it or not. I forgot the research study but it's been verified that a lie can only get so far. Repeating a lie to make it a "truth" has its limitatioins was the conclusion of that study. When the actual truth hits people on the face, no amount of lies can soothe these people's egos. The exception would be if those people willingly accept the lie even though facts stare them at the face because they're traumatized (Lol) but that will only dig themselves deeper into a hole. This exactly what's happening to the usa and it's beautiful sight to see. Everybody are distancing themselves away from that piece of sh*tty country.

You also have yet to answer my questions, yet you keep repeating the same dribble which I kinda pointed out will be fixed by geoplitical forces greater and more important than any of us AND what those murican liars could make up.

[–]Golden_Gunner 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I didn’t disagree with what are saying in regards to China/Russia and the global south viewing westoids as the Disgusting liars that they are.

I agree and disagree with some of the things stated here

“That's incorrect, believe it or not. I forgot the research study but it's been verified that a lie can only get so far. Repeating a lie to make it a "truth" has its limitatioins was the conclusion of that study.“

Your study that says a lie can only go so far doesn’t disprove the fact that people/westoids still believe in the negative anti asian/golden stereotypes/narratives

They repeated these anti golden lies so much that westoids falsely believe them to be true (in there heads)

What i do agree with in regards to your paragraph above is that repeating a lie until it becomes the truth has limitations.

When you show these anti goldens the truth they will not be able to come up with any rebuttals because there lies are simply not true.

[–]TwerKing[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They repeated these anti golden lies so much that westoids falsely believe them to be true (in there heads)

You understimate that many people are able to think indepenedently. The problem you're bringing up is mainly confined to the usa, the queen bee mommy of all evil in the world .

When you show these anti goldens the truth they will not be able to come up with any rebuttals because there lies are simply not true.

I know. You repeated what I said but just worded differently. Lol. Except the one thing you keep overlooking are the geopolitical activities that have been destroying those false propaganda for a long time now. You aren't able to see it because your looking at it through a murican lense. Start trying to see it from a bigger picture and and outside the murican bubble, then you'll know the usa is in borrowed time. That statement doesn't even do it justice. They're fu**ing done as in no point of no return.

Down in a hell basket the usa is going right now and has been for the last two decades. It will only get worse for that sh*tty country and everyone stupid enough willing to follow them, which is not many. Lol.