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[–]GUnion[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

I love that the Russians have no shame in having hot women in their music videos and commercials instead of hiring ugly or mid looking women like the West is doing here in order to check all those “diversity and inclusion” boxes.

I agree.

We seem to be in another drought period of good mainstream GTS content. Last good period was in November, when like four or five things popped up that month.

Have you found anything on Instagram? I can't seem to find anything using your method on there, so I'll leave you to it. I have been trying to find stuff on Vimeo, as almost everything on there is unseen and fairly hidden (most videos seem to have no views at all, on there.) I search for "giant" or "giants" on there, along with a ton of filters to weed out the bullshit, like sports teams named Giants. There's been nothing on there, though.

I would hope we can have one or two high quality finds a month, which would equal about 24 in an entire year, which is a decent enough number. But there seem to be long drought periods of inactivity. And because of fucking shitheads on YouTube spamming and completely ruining it, YouTube has become un-usable for finding giantess content. I've literally had to make a filter for Blocktube with as many channels I've blocked, and there's still more spam and useless horseshit under the "giantess" title on there, every day. I've shared the blacklist with you if you want to install BlockTube on your browser and filter all the spam bullshit when searching for YouTube content. But you'll still unlikely find anything on there.

Anyway, let me know if you find anything good. Thank you for your service. You're the antithesis of those beta-simp Reddit-mod assholes on GiantessCity.

[–]prisioneros81 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

Thank you for checking stuff on other places and I agree that GiantessCity is full of beta-simps. I haven’t had too much luck on Instagram lately but I did find some music videos - - only problem is that they’re meh. I’ll be sharing them eventually. Btw, what’s the @ of Karai Karashi? Would love to check his finds every now and then.

[–]GUnion[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

He's on Twitter under Reverse Othello's posts, but very private and gets spooked easily.

[–]prisioneros81 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

Got it. Thanks

[–]GUnion[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

I heard from a user on the forums what happened to you. She said that college-aged, pedo Zoomer faggot Helvetic finally went after you. ...Not using those words, of course.

I actually tried to post TWICE on here about that CP-loving, soy faggot, little 22 year old Reddit mod waste-of-dads-semen dipshit Helvetic on there and how he should be in prison for all the inappropriate shit he's posted and looked the other way as "moderator," but this site, Saidit, is currently under attack from AI spammers, so any attempts to post require a refresh every two minutes because of Cloudflare. I was going to warn you about that jizz-guzzling, soy-drinking, male feminist, dickless, Zoomer faggot Helvetic before and his not-so-secret love of inappropriately aged targets, but Cloudflare has ruined my posts on two separate occasions. This is the third attempt and I'm not even sure you'll get to see it.

Anyway, fuck that piece of shit. My informant suggests she's next to get banned, even that woke sex predator who wasn't bullied enough as a child, claims "to respect all non-CIS straight males" like the West Coast Commie he is. Let him and the rest of his circlejerking failed-abortions die sad and alone on that site, for all I care. There's more of us outside that dead forum. Reverse Othello is a solid contributor, as well as his Japanese friend I mentioned, and Mcheetah, and the guys on the Size Fetish Music Videos page on Abriogen, as well as a few others who was posting content outside of the Get-Cucked Forums.

Sorry for the language, but I just feel angry that that little Zoomer dipshit is allowed to go on a power trip on that dead forum, even though you and I have been on there longer than he's been alive. People like that sick panty-wearing fuck are the reason the fetish has been completely fucked on YouTube and starting to unfortunately go mainstream. Anyway, I'm sorry that corrupt asshole banned you and I feel angry for you, on your behalf. As you know, he did it to me, R.O, and several others, too.

[–]prisioneros81 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Yeah, that bitch banned me. I shared your HeroWars ad and gave you the credit for it while saying the truth: that you got banned unfairly even though you were a big contributor. He gave me a warning for that. And then, after I just ignored his warning/threat by not saying anything bad at all, bitch just went on a power trip and gave me 2 more warnings for no reason. I asked the bitch on a private message what was exactly that I said that prompted him to give me 2 more warnings and instead of answering like a man, soy bitch banned me. It’s alright though, that place was turning into a tranny shithole full of ungrateful subhuman scum.

[–]GUnion[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Sorry for your results, anyway. I contributed major stuff in the past before things turned to shit. Under the G-Union username, I didn't contribute nearly as much stuff as I did between 2009-2015 under my original account on there. It was so much easier back before YouTube became a sesspool of foot-fag shit, cartoon spam, and that one fucking Brazilian spammer on there with the stolen GTSZone vids mixed in with videos of his grandma's feet. I contributed way more back then before YT became unusable dogshit.

That fucking pedo piece-of-shit Helvetic lies about shit everytime he bans people, too. He fucking lied about me after banning me also and like with you, made a whole big announcement about it. A little birdie shared this with me. She said that he told everyone that you were banned because of a built-up series of infractions over the course of seven years and needed to suffer "consequences" for your actions. This fucking kid-diddler piece-of-shit has barely been on there for seven years and you barely posted outside of the live-action section. How could he fuckin' know anything? Straight up lying.

He sent me a long-ass message as well, basically saying I need to "know my place" and respect his "authoritah." I ignored his long-ass post and never even read it; he wasn't worth responding to and I deleted it after seeing the first sentence. He then banned my G-Union account a day later and told everyone I was harassing him and skirting the rules of the forum, but said it as vague as possible and without any actual examples. Fucking little bitch is barely out of high school and probably joined the forums as a teenager. In fact, he would've joined at 17 in late 2016, actually.

I can't imagine how much of a waste of oxygen this dipshit must be in real life to be on this much of a power trip over a macrophilia sharing forum from the early 2000s. That's why I say that whole place has massive Reddit energy. So much Small Dick Energy and extreme insecurity. He definitely wasn't punched in the face enough growing up. I hope he chokes on jizz and dies. I can't stand abusive authority figures like that, especially insecure weak little bitch ones like him. You were literally one of the only reasons to still even check out that site, and now, you're gone. You, Reverse Othello, Mcheetah, "Sean Connery," Dime, Space Hamster... That abusive mod has fucked with all of these people and either caused them to quit the site or got banned by him. He actually banned ThrowawaySiz for calling out pathetic losers for posting that "This ain't giantess, but use your imagination" non-content horseshit and waste of everyone's time. Banned him just for that.

Your music video list from May '23 had 38,000 views on it. Does this pedo dipshit care how much better you were making the site? No. Abusive power-cucks like that never do.

Did he ever do anything about the content submitted where minors showed up in the background? No, he never did, no matter how much you'd report it.

Did he ever do anything about the useless fucking shit "Santa Claus" used to post in the live-action section that had no actual video or even GTS-related content, but "use your imagination?" No.

Did he ever do anything about the constant spam and self-promotion like that "Chibi-chan" ugly, obese, trans-dyke shit? No, he let it flourish in the live-action videos section, even though that hideous They/Them wildebeest has the Pay Content section they can post all their shitty androgynous phone-cam trash beta-males like to pay money to.

Like I said, hypocritical, pedo trash like Helvetic infuriates me. Sorry for ranting. Sorry for all the shit they put you through after all you've contributed to this fantasy/genre.

[–]prisioneros81 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Thank you for all that information and kind words. It’s obvious that that soy bitch was butt hurt for calling him out or ignoring him. Dude was obviously a bitch… and they made him moderator? That place will miss out on my finds. He didn’t get rid of me, he only made everyone over there not get anymore good content. Their loss, not mine.

[–]GUnion[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Well, there is still this site, and Reverse Othello posting stuff. I really appreciate your finds. I don't really like Twitter at all, but you can post stuff on your own Twitter page too, if you're open to using such a site. (I only ever check Reverse Othello and Karai on there, every three or four days or so to see if they have any updates.)

[–]kajsfhlkajshffalkjsd 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, that bitch banned me.

please keep your language clean, we have children in the forum.

the lord does not approve of profanity.