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[–][deleted] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

Hello! Thank you for the interesting submission! However it is not in keeping with the sub rules at the moment. Please make a new submission in keeping with the rules if you would like to share it here, as explained below.

Text posts should include a (potentially very short) explanation of why you want to share the link here and any context you'd like to mention. Including the link alone is not quite enough.

I want to know what women find interesting and relevant when they share links here, especially since links often have their own spin on things that the woman sharing the links might not agree with completely. I think having the reason the links are shared here helps keep the discussion centered in the right place here.

Here's the relevant rule from the sidebar, for reference:

If you want to share a link, share it in the body of a text post along with a (potentially short) introduction explaining why you want to share the link here and any context you'd like to mention.