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[–]FlippyKing[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

This is more intellectual for now. I am about discussing and learning for learning's sake.

So you are taking a post about giving transgender people their own shelters and using it to be about discussing and learning for learning's sake, but you started of having a problem with the shelters-- do I have that right? You started off declaring a problem, now you're like "I'm here to share wisdom". I think you are changing the subject or moving the goal posts because your initial position is untenable.

Your contention that males who either claim or are transsexual (and I dont' think you've defined this clearly-- what a surprise? Nah, typical) are born with a feminine neurology is not self-evident, it is also untenable. How is a neurology feminine or masculine? IF, as we always have and always will, define men and women according to the potential reproductive role their genitals have, then a male you call a transsexual is still a man. Effeminate men are not women. Feminine neurology does not exist.

Transsexuals do not have any biological need to live as the GENDER??? they should have been all along-- the idea is ridiculous. Your biological needs are no different than anyone else's, male or female: eat, sleep, shelter in the forms of clothing and a home (cave, tree house, anything), drinkable water, perhaps other people to keep you sane and to pool labor. That's it. Also, you are using transsexual no differently than the term transgender is used, you're even using gender in terms of what you think a transsexual's needs are.

Good luck with all that.

[–]Spotted_Lady 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Where did I say I have a problem with that specifically? I was saying that the problem (not mine, but one that inherently exists) is that in the past, transsexuals were seen mostly on par with cisgender. But since that community and the media has done nothing but lie and claim that TSs and TG are the same, as soon as such shelters open up, transsexual women will lose their right to stay in women's shelters, even those who previously were allowed to with no problems, all because of guys who want to play dress-up. So the TSs would be forced to stay with the guys in drag who love their penises, the sense of male power they give, and who actively use them. So TSs would be robbed of what is ideal for them and given something bastardized back. "Sorry our lost your right to be accepted and treated as a 'real woman,' but don't feel bad, you can still have rights in society as a male pervert who lives as a woman for reasons of insanity or perversion and be housed with them."

Those are the same issues that I'd have with any 3rd-sex designation. TSs who have worked hard to conform, pass, blend in, and share the values of greater society will always lose with such a proposition. Anything that sounds good in this is nearly always a Damocles sword. When TGs gain rights (not earn them, but bully society into begrudgingly giving them out of fear), transsexual folks will nearly always lose because it will cause society to see them as more "other" than less and force a new kind of segregation. I've figured that with the restroom laws in a few US states, making a federal law to require that places have 3 restrooms would be good. But, then I thought through the harm that would cause. TS women who currently use the ladies' room without consequence will likely face being outed, bullied into using the trans restroom, and perhaps face violence if they don't. Shoot, this is already bad enough where folks (the ones screaming that their lives matter) have been reported attacking TS women at places like McDonald's and other ghetto-seeming fast-food places for using the restroom that most closely matches who they are.

Women born wrongly in male bodies (transsexuals) DO have a biological need to live as the gender that matches the biology of their brain, just like natal female women. Male-born transgender folks who merely live as women for sexual, fetish, delusional or egotistical reasons don't. Transsexualism is inborn, transgender isn't. A transsexual woman's rights come inherently from the vagina and XX chromosomes that she was supposed to have been born with all along. And what "MtF" TGs think are "rights" comes from their male privilege, bullying, and intimidation. When you live a lie, the only way you can defend it is by instilling fear in others. Truth, on the other hand, needs no emotional defense.

And yeah, we should give food, clothing, and shelter to folks more likely to be sexual predators. Get them on their feet so they can harm women (TS or otherwise). /s Though yes, Jesus did say to love thy enemies, and other religious figures of other faiths have said similar. And even in war, more primitive cultures had the decency to have a ceasefire at night. That gave opponents time to eat, gather their dead, and sleep.

[–]FlippyKing[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Where did I say I have a problem with that specifically?

Why the need for "specifically"? So you can weasel out of what you've already said and make it tough to pin down what you're saying (typical "trans" bad-faith arguing and bad reasoning)

But here is where you say it specifically, in a sentence soon after your bad question.

transsexual women will lose their right to stay in women's shelters, even those who previously were allowed to with no problems, all because of guys who want to play dress-up.

So, rather than be happy that transgender people get their own shelters, you worry that you will be tossed in with them. You make the same demand they make, access to women's spaces. You could make your own shelter, for transsexuals. But no, because you make the same demand the AGPs/transgenders/transtrenders/perpetually-masturbating-porn-addicts-in-dresses make: access to women's spaces and to colonize womanhood.

Also, it is amazingly dismissive of you to say they only want to play dress up but what you want to do is not exactly the same thing, especially if you are not using sex-removing and opposite sex facsimile creating surgeries as THE defining characteristic for transsexuals. You're basically saying 'we had a good thing going until Judith Butler came a long'

Also, your use of the "cis" thing is bullshit. There is no such thing. For all but like 0.04% of the population there are only men and women, and no one measures up to any standard besides the most minimal one of what genitals one has.

[–]Spotted_Lady 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I have no dog in the trans thing and never said I was TG or TS. I make no demands other than to NOT be included in their community.

I used cis correctly. MtF Transsexuals are a subset of cisgender women, and "MtF" transgender is simply a type of men. TS women don't want to be housed with TGs anymore than other women, and should not be forced to do so. A TS's rights come from the vagina and XX chromosomes they were supposed to be born with. MtF TGs were supposed to have their penises and live as the MEN that they are.

It is not dismissive to refer to the MtF transgender men in dresses as what they are, men in dresses and those living fetishes. MtF TSs ARE women, "MtF" transgenders are men. Transsexuals would have more rights overnight if every non-op transgender were rounded up and imprisoned.

And no, I never used actually getting the surgery as a basis, but an inherently feminine nature and the DESIRE to get the surgery based on how the brain is wired before birth. Whether they actually get surgery or not (aging and poverty are factors). I can walk into any room and tell TSs from TGs without any effort. Folks should only be allowed to transition if there is a true need there, and not simply a dress-up game, fetish, or ANY sexual motivation. A paraphilic need is not a gender identity. Desiring to dress up to appropriate women and lord over them is not a gender identity. There are only 2 valid gender identities.

Anyway, please enjoy your day. I believe we have talked this to the end.