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[–]one1won 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I am Gender Critical.

What Debate? I’ve seen a No Debate Gender Identity Ideology movement.

I am, also, considering the global political machinations and media and institutional captures.

How about some pessimism. Addressing your “gender debate” question specifically.

I think (those formerly known as) women and children will be sex-on-demand units for males.

I think medical experimentation on the traumatized, mentally unwell, young, or genetically XX will expand. Money talks, compassion will walk, orders will be followed, opportunities taken.

I see the Gender Identity Ideology movement as a men’s sexual rights movement. By men, for men, but ultimately for the rich and powerful men. It’s a grift; Trans identified people are just as much pawns in this scam as anyone else. It’s Big Dick energy and $$$$$.

By 2031, either you’re potentially useful in some way, or you’re… , um, in the way. Men’s sexuality unbridled may lead to the end of Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

I sincerely wish I am wrong.

This is why I have a hardline stance on language, public access, and against the public acceptance, or legislation, of the Ideology.