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[–]MarkTwainiac 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Houseplant, I am very sorry this happened to you

By saying you had "a moral duty" to help the rapist whose nose you broke, CMOV seems in my view to be suggesting that the broken nose a male experiences in the course of raping a girl or woman is just as bad as, or worse than, the injury/harm he has caused his female victim by assaulting and raping her. CMOV seems to think you should have put the rapist's wellbeing before your own or on the same plane as your own.

Also, CMOV is showing shocking unawareness of, or total lack of regard for, the abject terror, shock and trauma girls/women experience during and after rape. As if after rape, we're all so calm, cool and collected that we are capable of thinking in terms of our "moral duty" to others. Moreover, the suggestion seems to be that part of female rape victims' "moral duty" is to process our pain and trauma at warp speed so we can hurry up attend to our assailant's welfare and "be kind."

This reminds me of Mridul Wadhwa, the TRA head of Edinburgh Rape Crisis who called rape victims "transphobic bigots" and said women who've been raped have a duty to "reframe their trauma" so as not to feel or express any ire towards anyone male that might distress or discomfit other males.

Fuck that. A girl or woman who has just been raped has no "moral duty" to anyone except herself.

[–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thankyou!! That’s exactly how it feels when he defends his stance, like i was wrong to protect myself instead of some monstrous boys. He may as well have asked if I did anything to deserve it. Feels like the same level of blame and disregard for the survivor and none for the perpetrators.

Amazes me that masks can claim til the cows come home that men are monsters and he’s a woman so not a monster, but then fail so hard at even pretending to empathise or sympathise with an actual woman.

It’s a disturbing trend I’m noticing amongst discussions online around rape. More and more women are being told to think about how dehumanising it is to misgender their own rapists, or condemned for refusing to drop their guard around males because that male might feel badly about it. No idea if I’m just seeing it more or if it’s happening more but it’s scary.