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[–]ThatsmeisabelleUncompromISAble 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Is that a formal identity then that one takes on? Like something one would announce or disclose?

I would say that while gender identity may push people to transition, there is no direct correlation between transition wishes and the identity people announce, which makes the identity more nebulous. A non binary person and a trans man could have the same transition path for example(which would seem to suggest the same gender id) but identify differently in society

That's interesting, so you don't formally identify as anything? I believe you said you were MTF in another comment, I'm curious how you conceptualize yourself if that's the case. It seems like actually forgoing a formal identity or making claims to one would be the most honest approach, like just letting one's actions speak for themselves like Houseplant touched on.

I identify only as myself intrinsicly but do ofcourse use labels to communicate within society. Just a body with labels. Mtf seems to communicate my transition proces, woman i use because thats what expected/ the perception in general with my body in day to day life and has the least friction. I value consistency and being able to just live my life in society, so i do use and defend the labels i use.