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[–]GenderbenderShe/her/hers 2 insightful - 10 fun2 insightful - 9 fun3 insightful - 10 fun -  (3 children)

Here are some examples of cis privilege:

  1. I can use public restrooms that match my gender without fear of verbal abuse, physical intimidation, or arrest

  2. I have the ability to walk through the world and generally blend-in, not being constantly stared or gawked at, whispered about, pointed at, or laughed at because of my gender expression.

  3. Strangers call me by the name I provide, and don’t ask what my “real name” [birth name] is and then assume that they have a right to call me by that name.

  4. I can reasonably assume that my ability to acquire a job, rent an apartment, or secure a loan will not be denied on the basis of my gender identity/expression.

  5. I have the ability to flirt, engage in courtship, or form a relationship and not fear that my biological status may be cause for rejection or attack, nor will it cause my partner to question their sexual orientation.

  6. If I end up in the emergency room, I do not have to worry that one gender will keep me from receiving appropriate treatment, or that all of my medical issues will be seen as a result of my gender.

  7. My identity is not considered a mental pathology (“gender identity disorder” in the DSM IV) by the psychological and medical establishments.

  8. People don't speculate that my gender identity is a result of abuse or trauma.

  9. I have the ability to not worry about being placed in a sex-segregated detention center, holding facility, jail or prison that is incongruent with my identity.

  10. I can easily find role models and mentors to emulate who share my identity.

  11. Hollywood accurately depicts people of my gender in films and television, and does not solely make my identity the focus of a dramatic storyline, or the punchline for a joke.

  12. I will not be harassed by the police or denied services at a bank or other institution because my legal sex does not match my gender presentation.

[–]FlippyKingSadly this sub welcomes rape apologists and victim blaming. Bye! 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

  1. We are not using the rest room that matches our gender, we are using the rest room that matches our sex. Bathrooms are segregated by SEX because they are where bodies perform bodily functions. Gender has nothing to do with it.

  2. That is one hell of a presumption you are making. Women can not do that. Men who 'blend in' do that. To the extent they do not blend in, all the things you list end up on the table. Sorry, it's human nature. If I walk through a Pride parade with a Terfs ARE A-OK tee shirt, I would experience than what you are listing.

  3. Why do you assume that? I've been called many things. I've been called bad variants on my name, and even misgendered. People with uncommon names experience it all the time.

  4. This is about your own assumptions, you currently have the right to not make those assumptions. No one cares about your sense of identity or expression the way you do. How you dress does create impressions, this is true for all people not just you. It's called growing up. I won't wear a death to capitalists tee shirt on a job interview, and if I do I won't have odd suspicions about why they didn't hire me. If people think you look like you are not to be trusted any of the three things you mention in 4, that is on them and you. Conformity exists in trans circles just as it does in other circles.

  5. The cotton ceiling-- classy. You will be rejected for biological reasons, every time just as everyone else is. Blonde haired blue eyed guys will get make it with women who like tall dark and handsome types, or 'latinos' or Italian guys. Some women like muscles, some don't. Some guys don't like women above or below a certain height. Some women dis like dick. Some women don't want to be with an amputee. Same with some guys. What ever, grow up and deal with it. If you want to be with someone who does not want to be with you then maybe you are not seeing them as an equal and independent person with their own rights and their own freedom and their own strengths and weaknesses. Try respecting the person you want to fuck instead of want to fuck someone regardless of if you respect them. When you meet someone who does not want to fuck you, move on. To blame the cotton ceiling is rapey.

  6. Your gender might prevent you from receiving the proper medical care. Women and men, as defined by sex not gender, have very different medical needs and their symptoms and health problems are different. The extent to which trans people have their own unique medical needs is not understood. Women's medical needs have been ignored and are still largely ignored. Medicines are routinely approved with little sense of how women will react, and women have died too often before the problem was discovered. Emergency room medicine is always about saving the body from dying. Your gender is not part of any of your vital organs or involved in anything that matters to an emergency room doctor.

  7. Are you saying your identity is a dismorphia? Are you diagnosing yourself? Whose call is it to say if you have a mental pathology? Here's how I avoid getting a diagnosis I don't want: I don't go to doctors. Try it.

  8. That is an unfounded assumption. A white guy in a date, even a blind date, with an Asian woman is assumed to have that as a fetish. Anyone dating someone of another race is seen by some as having that as a thing, instead of seeing two unique adults who might like each other. Every one makes assumptions about everyone, it sucks. Here's an assumption I'm making about you: you're a "lesbian", a trans woman lesbian. I would hate for my assumption to be right, because I might keep right on making that assumption.

  9. Anyone who does not worry when they are placed in a detention center or any of those places is probably very dangerous. If it is sex-segregated, then you are placed in the right one and your sense if identity has nothing to do with it. Do you identify as guilty? If not then you are already in a place that is incongruent with your identity. Trans men suddenly become very open to the idea that they are in fact trans-identifying females but really females when they are placed in these situations, so it is safe to say the trans community is divided on this at least in practice anyway.

  10. You make another bad assumption here. What is a shared identity anyway? Anyone watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer identifies with all the characters at one time or another. We identified with Willow and Xander and everyone who had to fight the monsters when Buffy was dead. We then identified with Buffy when we learned out miserable she was, during the singing episode, for having been brought back. If you can't identify with some fictional character, it is badly written.

  11. Hollywood accurately dipicts NOTHING. Everyone is a puchline of a joke, and they should be. Look at 1950s tv comedies. At the height of patriarchy, who were the bumbling idiots in every sitcom: guys, with the exception of I Love Lucy and that show turns out to be still among the best ever made. Here's a joke I heard the other day: Why don't Sicilians like Jehovah's Witnesses? They don't like any witnesses. Ha, a mafia joke. I don't think I have heard a mafia joke in decades. Irish jokes, Polish jokes, dumb blonde jokes, jokes about jocks being idiots: all fair game. You want acceptance like those groups?

  12. stop conflating sex and gender.

[–]ZveroboyAlinaIs clownfish a clown or a fish? 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

so it is safe to say the trans community is divided on this at least in practice anyway.

And divided based on sex. What a coincidence?

[–]FlippyKingSadly this sub welcomes rape apologists and victim blaming. Bye! 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

yes! It would be laughable about how willfully ignorant so many people are being, over so many points, while indulging obvious perverts and speaking the obvious truth that young women are escaping rape culture made impossibly worse by how ubiquitous porn is, if it was so tragic and ultimately society-crashing.