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[–]ColoredTwiceIntersex female, medical malpractice victim, lesbian 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

First part of article is calling non-ralated to menstruation bleeding as periods. Males with PMDS are regular males, they can't have periods, they do not have ovums and working ovaries - which are required to have periouds.

Periods are not just pain and bleeding:

Second part is some BS. Plus article there is saying that in second case person is female.

There they are representing women with CAH incorrectly (I myself have the most severe type of CAH - salt-wasting one). First of all - we DO NOT have both sets of genitals. All our "intersex" condition is for females, because our adrenal glands can not producing adrenal hormones, so body trying to produce them and instead producing adrogenes, which are virilizing our body (I have face hair, for example). Same with males, but more adrogenes for them are not making them "ambigious". And when you have such variant of CAH that virilizing your body - you will die without treatment. We need to take adrenal hormones all the time, through whole life, and we will die in first day if not receive treatment for correct sex (or more like girls will die, because "general" or unisex treatment is saving boys, but not enough for girls - we either will have disability or die), so correct sex should be determined very early.

So second case is completely impossible, so it is fake.