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[–]Omina_SentenziosaSarcastic Ovalord 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

And instead they should be stigmatized, mistreated and made outcasts for it?

No, they should just accept reality and not force people to pretend that things that aren' t real are real.

Transgender people do not chose to be transgender, but transitioning is as much a choice to them as taking pain medication is for someone with crippling chronic pain. Best case scenario would be the transgender person getting to transitiong and being treated by the whole of society like absoloute garbage, worst case would be the transgender person comitting suicide because they can bear neither the stigma of transitioning nor their existence in a body that feels deeply wrong to them. Do you not see that you are argueing for tormenting people for something they can not help? And for what? What is gained by considering transitioning socially unacceptable and morally wrong?

Dude, again, most of us evil TERFs wouldn' t even give a shit about trans people if it weren' t for the fact that the entire movement is trying to replace the definition of women with "whatever men in dress say women are". If they accepted that they are mentally ill people who want to live as the other sex, instead of pushing to erase the definition of sex and replace with their crap, I can assure you that most people wouldn' t be as antagonistic against them.

Being this kind of aggressive, censoring, punishing, gaslighting, pushing anti-woman/LGB rethoric, mutilating and brainwashing children, and pretending that everything should be accepted because "poor things, they would be too sad to face reality!" is just going to grow resentment. If you think things are bad now, I can assure that they are going to get worse if the community doesn' t stop being so fucking rotten.

And I never said anything about considering transition morally unacceptable, just acknwoledging that a man who transitions is a man who transitions, not a woman.

Women don' t choose to be women either, that' s the entire freaking point: it' s something we are born with, seeing men putting some make up on and being hailed as "real women", especially if they then proceed to shit on our rights and fucking lecture us on what womanhood is about, is disgusting.

Why does it always come down to "but the chromosomes"? No one gives a sh#t about chromosomes. Did you ever had your chromosomes tested? I didn't, I just assume that I have the typical case because their isn't anything about my body to indicate otherwise. No one walks around testing the chromosomes of everyone they met before deciding on how to treat them, no one.

It always comes down to chromosomes because they are the defining characteristic that describes sex. So when we are talking about sex, I want them to be included in the conversation as they should be. I give a shit about chromosomes, so yeah the fact that nobody cares is a lie easily disproven. What I don' t care about and don' t want to be included is a nebolous feeling based on self-hatred and obsession for cross-sex characteristics generated by a mental illness, because that has nothing to do with sex.

Why don't you fight for gender neutral bathrooms now? Transgender rights activists actually tend to do that, with gender critical people opposing.

TRAs are definitely NOT fighting for that. They want to use their preferred sex' s spaces, why the fuck should they care about fighting to get neutral spaces when they want women' s? And the reason why I am not fighting for them is because I have zero issues with sex segregated spaces. The only problem they bring is entitled men not respecting women enough TO STAY THE FUCK OUT, but those men would find a way to shit on women' s privacy even in gender neutral bathrooms!

[–]MarkTwainiac 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I just want to throw in my two cents about this common TRA trope:

Why does it always come down to "but the chromosomes"? No one gives a sh#t about chromosomes. Did you ever had your chromosomes tested? I didn't, I just assume that I have the typical case because their isn't anything about my body to indicate otherwise.

Actually, lots of people have had their chromosomes tested. Chromosome testing both in utero and at other times in life is very common, and has been for decades. I had chromosome testing in the 1980s to see if I carried certain genetic mutations, and when pregnant with my children 30 years ago their chromosomes were tested via CVS when I was 8/9 weeks along.

By law, all babies born in the US and many other countries must have blood drawn shortly after birth so that state labs can run genetic tests to see if the babies might have specific diseases. The list of genetic conditions tested for varies from place to place, but the fact that it's done does not.

The NIPT allows sex chromosome and full genetic testing of human fetuses at 8/9 weeks from a standard blood draw taken from pregnant women's. It's inexpensive, widely available and used all around the world.

As for the claim that

No one gives a sh#t about chromosomes.

This just shows how ignorant trans ideologues are. Sex chromosomes have huge effects on health and are crucial for proper medical care. Males who contract COVID-19 are 3 times more likely than females to end up in hospital ICUs and are 2-3 times more likely to die of the disease than females with the exact same age, health status, fitness level, underlying conditions, race, ethnicity, family history and so on.

[–]Omina_SentenziosaSarcastic Ovalord 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

My parents were tested as well when I was born in the '80s to see if there were chances of their child carrying genetic anomalies. I don' t know if they tested me after I was conceived, but I know they did the test to them.

Currently, I know only of testing during problematic pregnancies, but I wouldn' t be surprised if it were standard for any pregnancy, and if it isn' t it fucking should be. It' s an incredibly useful tool to check on the foetus and possible severe anomalies.

I can' t with the "nobody cares about chromosomes" rethoric anymore. I had one some times ago telling me that they don' t influence development in the least. It is absolutely nonsensical.