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[–]BiologyIsReal 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

you are mising the point. The point is, that the fact that transgender people still have the chromosomes of their birth sex is utterly irrelevant.

It's not irrelevant since trans people are only changing superficial things. Here're two news stories about how hiding hiding their actual sex nearly cost two trans identified females their lifes.

I make no claim of me being the opposite sex. And under the "biological sex as a spectrum"-modell, claims towards a change in position on the spectrum are waranted. The problem is, that you keep insisting on a strict binary were for a "sex change" it's either everything or bust, so under your conception a transgender person would have to change their chromosomes and start producing gametes opposite to the ones of their birth sex - despite you not demanding the same level of adherence to the biology of the typical binary sex in order to sort people with natal intersex conditions into those binaries.

I don't know about you, but trans people often claim to be the opposite sex.

and which right would that be? How are they "Erased" by being instead based on gender identity?

You know very well why. By replacing sex with gender identity, trans identified males are allowed access to women's only spaces like bathrooms, changing rooms, shelters, prisson, and etcetera. They are also participating in female sport categories despite their biological advantage. They have access now to awards, scholarships and shortlists previously reserved to women. They're being counted in statistics as female, skewing important data. They're also demanding people base their sexual orientation in gender identity rather than sex. They're also changing language in such a way the word woman has become taboo, yet the word man has remained untouched (I'm making a thread about this, actually). Furthermore, pretending that women are not discriminated based on their sex makes it impossible to fight against all the unresolved sexism.

the "biological sex as a spectrum"-modell has nothing to do with self-ID.

It has everything to do with self-ID. The "sex is a spectrum" rethoric is pushed by trans activists in order to justify to being recognized as the opposite sex.

do these authors present any solid, concrete criteria that cover all cases?

Read the papers... The first one at the very least.

again, I have been bombarding you for days with evidence proving that the strict binary is to simplistic for all cases.

That is not evidence. You've been either misunderstanding or misrepresenting the science behind every genetic aomaly that you've bringed up. Now, show me those papers disproving there are only two sexes, please.

then please name your criteria. Because I don't see a concrete criteria. "what gamete the body is intended to produce" is not a concrete criteria, unless you define it further. Which precise anatomical features or biological processes determine which gamete the body is "intended to produce"?

Reread my posts. I've explained this to you several times already and so have done other users. I even gave you links where scientists explain what sex is. Maybe if you weren't so focused on extremely rare cases in order to justify your worldview you would understand. And, seriusly, read the paper about gamete competition and gamete limitation. And here you have another article explaining how there are two sexes.

[–]Taln_Reich 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

It's not irrelevant since trans people are only changing superficial things. Here're two news stories about how hiding hiding their actual sex nearly cost two trans identified females their lifes.

a.) it is hardly only superficial, see , , , with the latter being particulary relevant to the first case you mentioned, let me quote: Laboratory values There is limited evidence to guide how best to interpret laboratory values in the transgender woman, particularly those who have been on hormonal therapies.22 These hormonal therapies have varying effects on haematological and biochemical parameters, and this should be considered when interpreting these results. There are many reference ranges and calculated laboratory parameters that use sex routinely, and examples include: (i) Renal function: creatinine concentrations are influenced by many factors, including diet and muscle mass. Creatinine concentrations decrease in transgender women taking hormone therapy as a result of a decrease in lean body mass.73,74 The Cockcroft–Gault formula for creatinine clearance and the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease glomerular filtration rate equation for calculating glomerular filtration are examples that utilise sex. A lower creatinine will correspond with a higher estimated glomerular filtration rate, giving the perception that filtration is occurring at a higher rate. There are no studies looking specifically on how to interpret renal function in the transgender woman, but it is important to consider whether the sex assigned at birth or the gender identity has been used in the electronic medical record, and which sex has been used for the calculation when commenting on any changes in renal function, particularly when hormone therapy has been recently commenced. Confusion over eligibility for transplant in a transgender patient has been reported because of this issue.67,73, 74, 75 (ii) Haematocrit and defining anaemia: reference ranges for the evaluation of haematocrit levels in transgender persons have not been established; however, a decrease in haematocrit is often observed in transgender women on hormonal therapy.53 The European Network for the Investigation of Gender Incongruence study53 found that, in transgender women, serum haematocrit had decreased to a level that can be found in the reference range of the identified gender from 3 months after the initiation of gender-affirming hormonal treatment. In transgender women continuing established hormone therapy perioperatively, haematocrit can be interpreted within the reference ranges for the female sex. It is unclear what reference range to use if there has been cessation of therapy; however, with parts of the world moving towards a unified haemoglobin reference range, this may not be of consequence in the future.

b.) weren't you claiming that transgender people almost never pass?

c.) the source you used consistently and clearly intentionally misgenders both men thoughout the entirety. This is highly offensive to transgender people.

d.) for the first case, the transgender man in question did not at all "hide" his birth sex. In fact, his doctor outright told him to stop testosterone ( ), despite the fact, that the resulting change in muscle mass would suggest changing back to the female baseline, since that is what the relevant factor in question was.

e.) for the second case, the transgender man in question did not "hide" his birth sex either, he was just ignored. In fact, the transgender man in question (who had stopped taking testosterone after losing his insurance ) quite clearly stated that a pregnancy test had come up positive, which, together with the stated birth sex and interrupted hormone therapy clearly should put pregnancy into consideration for the stated symptoms.

I don't know about you, but trans people often claim to be the opposite sex.

they claim to be the opposite gender to their birth sex. No transgender person claims to have changed chromosomes or to have changed to produce the gametes of the opposite sex to their birth sex.

By replacing sex with gender identity, trans identified males are allowed access to women's only spaces like bathrooms, changing rooms, shelters, prisson, and etcetera.

as described in the article I linked, there is no such right to sex segregated spaces.

They are also participating in female sport categories despite their biological advantage

first, there is no right to fairness in sport. Second, how much of a biological advantage a transgender woman that has been on hormone therapy for at least a year (current olympic guideline) has, has been debated. Third, despite the olympics allowing transgender participants since 2004 there had been no transgender women athlethes taking any top spots in the olympics. And fourth, in regards to elite sport, the debate around biologicasl sex and fairness has quite clearly been centered around intersex cases (remember the Caster Semenya case?)

They have access now to awards, scholarships and shortlists previously reserved to women.

first, there is no right to awards, scholarships or shortlists. Second, on what basis do you conclude that these things should be restricted based on biological sex and not gender identity?

They're being counted in statistics as female, skewing important data.

there is no right for having statistics to be recorded in a manner one prefers. In that regard, I would actually prefer for both gender and birth sex to be recorded, so that systematic issues regarding transgender people can be analyzed.

They're also demanding people base their sexual orientation in gender identity rather than sex.

that is not a demand, that is a reconceptualization of sexual orientation as not being based on biological sex. I already explained, that in my view, sexual orientation is based on apparent gender, rather than pure "gender identity" (since a pre-everything transgender person is unlikely to appear as the gender they identify as) or pure "biological sex" (in the way you define it) )(since that would mean that a transgender that has significantly transitioned would still be attractive to people attracted to their birth sex)

They're also changing language in such a way the word woman has become taboo, yet the word man has remained untouched (I'm making a thread about this, actually)

The word "woman" is not becoming taboo. It is merely avoided in contexts were not everyone involved is a woman. That this avoidance can be problematic and often leads to clunky or downright dehumanizing language is an issue I wanted to tackle in a post I have been planning to make on this board for some time now.

Furthermore, pretending that women are not discriminated based on their sex makes it impossible to fight against all the unresolved sexism.

it's not quite that straightforward. It depends on which places one talks about and which acts of discrimination one talks about. Are sex-selective abortions, menstruation huts and female genital mutilation sex based? yes, but they aren't happening on a structural level (I'm not argueing, that there aren't cases of it happening) in the western developed world where the majority of transgender discourse is taking place. Are issues regarding acess to menstrual hygine products and abortions sex based? Mostly yes, with the "mostly" being aformentioned intersex issues (some women don't menstruate or can get pregnant, while I admittedly never heard of a case of a PMDS-Man being abducted by some dr. Frankenstein, forcibly getting an embryo in his uterus implanted and then needing an abortion), but in this regard transgender rights aren't erasing rights regarding these issues at all, transgender people aren't restricting access to menstrual hygine products or abortions. Are sexual harrasement and gender pay gap sex based? Not really, the groper isn't going to check whether that female appearing person has ovaries before groping her breasts, and no boss is going to base their decision on whether to pay that female appearing employee less based on whether said employee has ovaries. So these last issues aren't sex based, they are based on apparent gender.

It has everything to do with self-ID. The "sex is a spectrum" rethoric is pushed by trans activists in order to justify to being recognized as the opposite sex.

[–]BiologyIsReal 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

I didn’t include many of your quotes because I didn’t want to keep dividing the comments.

a.)This is ridiculous. Just because exogenous hormones change certain biochemical parameters, it doesn’t mean you should use the reference values of the opposite sex.

b.) weren't you claiming that transgender people almost never pass?

Yes, but I don’t see how these two examples disprove what I said.

d.) The BBC article says the same thing. Whitley was recorded as male in medical records and the doctors treated her accordingly until they saw her uterus through US. It’s only then that the doctor told her to stop testosterone.

e.) Touched. I saved the link a while ago and I’ve forgotten that the patient was upfront about her status in this case. However, she was too recorded as male in medical records.

they claim to be the opposite gender to their birth sex. No transgender person claims to have changed chromosomes or to have changed to produce the gametes of the opposite sex to their birth sex.

In practice is the same thing, because we’re asked to give preference to gender identity over sex.

as described in the article I linked, there is no such right to sex segregated spaces.

first, there is no right to fairness in sport. Second, how much of a biological advantage a transgender woman that has been on hormone therapy for at least a year (current olympic guideline) has, has been debated. Third, despite the olympics allowing transgender participants since 2004 there had been no transgender women athlethes taking any top spots in the olympics. And fourth, in regards to elite sport, the debate around biologicasl sex and fairness has quite clearly been centered around intersex cases (remember the Caster Semenya case?)

first, there is no right to awards, scholarships or shortlists. Second, on what basis do you conclude that these things should be restricted based on biological sex and not gender identity?

there is no right for having statistics to be recorded in a manner one prefers. In that regard, I would actually prefer for both gender and birth sex to be recorded, so that systematic issues regarding transgender people can be analyzed.

So, women don’t have right to have their own things despite that sex is a easily observed trait that has been acknowledged through millennia and that has shaped our lives. However, everyone must accommodate trans identities despite the fact gender identity being a very new belief. Why don’t you say directly women must submit to men and are done with it?

As I said, every law that has granted rights to women was based on sex, even if this is not being explicit, because until very recently everyone understood there are only two sexes. To say that women’s rights weren't granted on the basis of sex is to rewrite history.

As for fairness in sports, should we, then, abolish age categories, too? And what about weight categories in sports like boxing? Should the Olympics and the Paralympics be fused and disabled athletes compete against body-abled athletes?

And here’s a review of trans people and sports:

BTW, it’s only in 2015 that the IOC allowed trans identified males to participate in the female categories with the condition of lowering their testosterone levels for a year. We're going to witness the full effects of this policy in the next games whenever they're done.

Re sexual orientation: this is a reconceptualization that most people disagree with.

Re women’s discrimination: We’ve already gone over this. Someone else being mistaken about your sex doesn’t make you the opposite sex. And employers do discriminate women on the basis they’re the only ones who can get pregnant.

Edit: BTW, I'm from Argentina. Here, self-ID is a thing since 2012, but abortion wasn't legalized until last December. Don't tell me this nonsense is only happening in the developed world.

[–]Taln_Reich 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

a.)This is ridiculous. Just because exogenous hormones change certain biochemical parameters, it doesn’t mean you should use the reference values of the opposite sex.

changes to renal functions caused by exogonous hormones are irrelevant for the reference values regarding renal functions?

d.) The BBC article says the same thing. Whitley was recorded as male in medical records and the doctors treated her accordingly until they saw her uterus through US. It’s only then that the doctor told her to stop testosterone.

first, please don't engage in malicious misgendering. Second, treating someone with a female hormone profile (which, obviously, without testosterone is present in a transgender man) with reference values that are incorrect under such a hormone profile is obviously incorrect. There needs more consideration on how to handle such cases, since the reverse case (aka, treating a transgender woman with a female hormone profile with male reference values) would also be incorrect.

In practice is the same thing, because we’re asked to give preference to gender identity over sex.

Sex should only matter in regards to medical issues (e.g. any transgender people in a medical setting absoloutly needs to inform their doctor towards their medical history, which includes medical transitioning) and sexual partner (e.g. tell you sex partner, just to make sure they are okay with it). Everywhere else it should go by gender identity (with allowances for making requierement regarding stages of physical transitioning, for cases where physical sex based differences are relevant).

So, women don’t have right to have their own things despite that sex is a easily observed trait that has been acknowledged through millennia and that has shaped our lives. However, everyone must accommodate trans identities despite the fact gender identity being a very new belief. Why don’t you say directly women must submit to men and are done with it?

As I said, every law that has granted rights to women was based on sex, even if this is not being explicit, because until very recently everyone understood there are only two sexes. To say that women’s rights weren't granted on the basis of sex is to rewrite history.

Where did I say anything about "women having to submit to men"? It's just that rights granted to women based on being women or female don't exist, what does exist are laws against discrimination based on sex, with some exemptions that are subject to considerations of practicality.

As for fairness in sports, should we, then, abolish age categories, too? And what about weight categories in sports like boxing? Should the Olympics and the Paralympics be fused and disabled athletes compete against body-abled athletes?

fairness in sport is something that is generally preffered (as otherwise the outcome of a competition would be too predictable). But it isn't a right.

And here’s a review of trans people and sports:

I have seen that article before, and I have seen it criticised. As I aid, the issue is being debated.

BTW, it’s only in 2015 that the IOC allowed trans identified males to participate in the female categories with the condition of lowering their testosterone levels for a year. We're going to witness the full effects of this policy in the next games whenever they're done.

actually incorrect. The Stockholm consensus ( ) concluded in 2003 that transgender women should be allowed to compete in the women category, which was adopted by the IOC in 2004 ( ) . The document you linked actually mentioned said consensus. The document you linked was just the clarification of the 2015 rules, which set the maximum allowed level for testosterone in competing women (transgender and intersex) to be 10 nmol/L (this has been lowered to 5 nmol/L in 2018 )

Re sexual orientation: this is a reconceptualization that most people disagree with.

really? You think most people would think that a heterosexual man/ homosexual woman would be sexually attracted to this person ? Can you show me any such heterosexual man/homosexual woman?

Re women’s discrimination: We’ve already gone over this. Someone else being mistaken about your sex doesn’t make you the opposite sex. And employers do discriminate women on the basis they’re the only ones who can get pregnant.

irrelevant in this regard. If someone is discriminated based on apparent gender, that discrimination is gender identity based. And the employer-example is a good case for this, as they may discriminate based the assumption of a employee with a female apparent gender being able to become pregnant, but as far as I know, no employer is demanding fertility tests for women who apply. The employer just assumes the possibility of a pregnancy based on the employee appearing female, regardless of the employees biological sex.

Edit: BTW, I'm from Argentina. Here, self-ID is a thing since 2012, but abortion wasn't legalized until last December. Don't tell me this nonsense is only happening in the developed world.

Every transgender person I have met on the internet has been supportive of abortion rights.

[–]BiologyIsReal 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Re sports (I’ll address the rest in another comment):

If fairness in sports is not a right, should we abolish age and weight categories? Should disabled people compete against able-bodied people? I’m sure the transabled, the transages and the transweight would like this very much.

And if sports is not a human rights issues, why trans activists claim it is when they are not allowed to participate in sports. Which is a lie since trans athletes are allowed to participate, they are only asked to compete according to their sex. Why sports organizations should validate trans identities?

You’re not saying all the important information about the IOC. Per the document you linked, these were the recommended guidelines for trans natal males in 2003:

Surgical anatomical changes have been completed, including external genitalia changes and gonadectomy Legal recognition of their assigned sex has been conferred by the appropriate official authorities Hormonal therapy appropriate by the assigned sex has been administered in a verifiable manner and for a sufficient length of time to minimize gender-related advantages in sports competitions. In opinion of this group, eligibility should begin no sooner than two years after gonadectomy.

While I don’t agree with these guidelines either, these are much stricter than the issued in 2015. The first requirement in particular is quite limiting for trans athletes considering that most trans don’t undergone genital surgery. So, it’s a reasonable assumption to say we’re going more trans natal males competing in the female’s categories in the next Olympics.

The article of World Athletics is not about the IOC, but the IAAF. Also it’s not about trans athletes, but intersex ones...

[–]Taln_Reich 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

If fairness in sports is not a right, should we abolish age and weight categories? Should disabled people compete against able-bodied people? I’m sure the transabled, the transages and the transweight would like this very much.

fairness in sport is not a right, but it is something that is striven for, because a heavily imbalanced competitiong just isn't very interesting, neither for the atlethes, nor the spectators.

Which is a lie since trans athletes are allowed to participate, they are only asked to compete according to their sex

so, are transgender men that are on HRT allowed to compete in the women's division?

You’re not saying all the important information about the IOC. Per the document you linked, these were the recommended guidelines for trans natal males in 2003:

Surgical anatomical changes have been completed, including external genitalia changes and gonadectomy Legal recognition of their assigned sex has been conferred by the appropriate official authorities Hormonal therapy appropriate by the assigned sex has been administered in a verifiable manner and for a sufficient length of time to minimize gender-related advantages in sports competitions. In opinion of this group, eligibility should begin no sooner than two years after gonadectomy.

While I don’t agree with these guidelines either, these are much stricter than the issued in 2015. The first requirement in particular is quite limiting for trans athletes considering that most trans don’t undergone genital surgery. So, it’s a reasonable assumption to say we’re going more trans natal males competing in the female’s categories in the next Olympics.

The IOC was of the opinion, that requiering a gonadectomy is not compatible with human right and would exclude transgender people from countries where transitioning is illegal 1 , 2 . And, no, as you correctly pointed out, I confused the IOC and the IAAF, which means that the rules for the next olympics are apparently still the same one from the 2015 decision 3. So, no, there will not be suddenly vastly more transgender women competing. Btw. regarding the 10 nmol/L limit in place for the olympics: did you know that the testosterone level for a typical human male is 7.7 to 29.4 nmol/L ?

The article of World Athletics is not about the IOC, but the IAAF.

looks like I messed up and confused the IAAF and IOC with each other. My bad.

Also it’s not about trans athletes, but intersex ones...

The rules are the same, and for good reason. Caster Semenya - the person responsible for the IAAF contniously redefining what, for the purpose of elligilability a "woman" is - has an intersex condition called 5α-Reductase deficiency, which, if anything, is closer to male than female. Nevertheless, she identifies as a woman, and deserves to be treated as such. So, there is good reason to treat the two issues analogously.

[–]BiologyIsReal 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

The IOC was of the opinion, that requiering a gonadectomy is not compatible with human right and would exclude transgender people from countries where transitioning is illegal 1 , 2 . And, no, as you correctly pointed out, I confused the IOC and the IAAF, which means that the rules for the next olympics are apparently still the same one from the 2015 decision 3. So, no, there will not be suddenly vastly more transgender women competing. Btw. regarding the 10 nmol/L limit in place for the olympics: did you know that the testosterone level for a typical human male is 7.7 to 29.4 nmol/L ?

The IOC decided against gonadectomy in 2015, not in 2004. So, I stand by what I said: we're going to see more trans natal males in the next Olympics.

Did you know normal leves of testosterone for healthy menstruating women under 40 years are below 2 nmol/l? Even testosterone levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) don't reach 5nmol/. That is were limit imposed by the IAAF comes from. So, even if current testosterone levels were the only thing that matters in sports (a view I disagree with), the IOC limit is still to high.

The rules are the same, and for good reason. Caster Semenya - the person responsible for the IAAF contniously redefining what, for the purpose of elligilability a "woman" is - has an intersex condition called 5α-Reductase deficiency, which, if anything, is closer to male than female. Nevertheless, she identifies as a woman, and deserves to be treated as such. So, there is good reason to treat the two issues analogously.

5α-Reductase deficiency is a DSD only in males. This enzime converts testosterone in dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Males with this condition have unusual looking genitalia due to lack of DHT. They can secrete testosterone, though, and after reaching puberty they undergone virilization due the increase of testosterone. In fact, a considerable percentage of these males who were raised as girls end up adopting a male identity after puberty.

More on 5α-Reductase deficiency:

[–]Taln_Reich 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The IOC decided against gonadectomy in 2015, not in 2004. So, I stand by what I said: we're going to see more trans natal males in the next Olympics.

The qualifications for the 2020 olympics haven't finished yet (due to the pandemic), but some qualifications have already taken place. Tell me, how many transgender women are already in the rooster?

Did you know normal leves of testosterone for healthy menstruating women under 40 years are below 2 nmol/l? Even testosterone levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) don't reach 5nmol/. That is were limit imposed by the IAAF comes from. So, even if current testosterone levels were the only thing that matters in sports (a view I disagree with), the IOC limit is still to high.

take it up with the IOC then. Just a question: where are women atlethes with a natural testosterone level higher than whatever you want to set supposed to compete?

The rules are the same, and for good reason. Caster Semenya - the person responsible for the IAAF contniously redefining what, for the purpose of elligilability a "woman" is - has an intersex condition called 5α-Reductase deficiency, which, if anything, is closer to male than female. Nevertheless, she identifies as a woman, and deserves to be treated as such. So, there is good reason to treat the two issues analogously.

5α-Reductase deficiency is a DSD only in males. This enzime converts testosterone in dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Males with this condition have unusual looking genitalia due to lack of DHT. They can secrete testosterone, though, and after reaching puberty they undergone virilization due the increase of testosterone. In fact, a considerable percentage of these males who were raised as girls end up adopting a male identity after puberty.

You do realize that you are actually backing my point here? If someone, who was designated female at birth, was raised as a woman and identifies as a woman, but does actually have "a DSD only in males" (aka, is "male" by your reckoning) wants to compete in the women's division, does it really make sense to treat this case and a transgender case differently?

[–]BiologyIsReal 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You do realize that you are actually backing my point here? If someone, who was designated female at birth, was raised as a woman and identifies as a woman, but does actually have "a DSD only in males" (aka, is "male" by your reckoning) wants to compete in the women's division, does it really make sense to treat this case and a transgender case differently?

Eh? I explained what 5α-Reductase deficiency is, but I never said males with 5α-Reductase deficiency should compete in the female's categories. I don't think Caster Semenya belongs in the women's categories. He can compete just fine with the men.

And I've repeated to you several times, most trans identified people haven't any DSD. So, what about stop appropriating their struggles to further your cause?

[–]BiologyIsReal 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Re hormones and biochemical parameters.

Reference values are used as a diagnostic tool. In some cases, there are diferent references values for women and men. They are not based on hormonal profile, but on sex. In the case of FGR the formule used to calculate it is different for men and women.

Taking exogenous hormones alter biochemical parameters of that individual, but that doens't mean you should evaluate them using the reference values of the opposite sex. This case show how that is a bad idea, actually.

Re Argentina

My point was women's rights was far from being a done deal in my country, yet self-ID was legalized before abortion. And I'll add the former had more support from our lawmakers. I specifically mentioned abortion because this a issue who is obviously sex based.

Re women's rights in general

About the employer example, a passing trans natal male could only be discriminated in the basis of a potential maternity if said male has made sure the employer doesn't know his actual sex. This doesn't justify the employer either way, but your example is about self-imposed oppression. Women can't opt out of ours like that. If you don't think so, just take a look at trans politics. Who is dominating the discourse? Trans natal males or trans natal females? It's also (mainly) trans natal males who are telling us that sex doesn't matter as much and we should priorizate gender identity from now on. This is not unlike regular males saying sex equality has already been reached. In fact many regular males are more than happy to stand up for trans natal males over women. Ever have you wondered why many regular males takes trans natal males's issues seriously despite the fact the same regular males constantly dismiss women's issues?

[–]Taln_Reich 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Reference values are used as a diagnostic tool. In some cases, there are diferent references values for women and men. They are not based on hormonal profile, but on sex. In the case of FGR the formule used to calculate it is different for men and women.

Yes, the reference values are based on biological sex, because biological sex and hormone profile typically correlate strongly.

Taking exogenous hormones alter biochemical parameters of that individual, but that doens't mean you should evaluate them using the reference values of the opposite sex. This case show how that is a bad idea, actually.

Again., no, it actually doesn't. Because of course when the hormone profile returns to the one typical for the birth sex, you have to go by that.

About the employer example, a passing trans natal male could only be discriminated in the basis of a potential maternity if said male has made sure the employer doesn't know his actual sex.

Which actually a lot of transgender women do, since there is much less prejeduice against transgender people than against women (not saying there isn't prejeduice against women). In fact, "going stealth" (e.g. only intimate partners and medical caretakers being supposed to be in the know) is the goal for quite a lot of transgender people I know.

Also, if you think that thats how it works - what's keeping you (or other non-transgender women) from claiming to be a passing transgender woman at the next job interview? The employer isn't going to pull down your pants to check (at least I would hope so. If they do, it's most definetly not a place I would want to work at)

This doesn't justify the employer either way, but your example is about self-imposed oppression. Women can't opt out of ours like that.

Thing is, for transgender men it works the other way around - a passing transgender man (assuming stealth here) isn't going to be assumed to be able to become pregnant even if he can (because some who pass can, some who don't can't. Hormones are funny like that)

If you don't think so, just take a look at trans politics. Who is dominating the discourse? Trans natal males or trans natal females?

well, a significant reason behind this is that in the past there had been more transgender women than transgender men transitioning. Lately, this has been changing. Also, transgender men have been butting in on the discourse - remember this meme ?

Another reason is also, that the stereotypes against transgender people are quite different for both types, with transgender women being seen as dangerous predators and and transgender men as confused women. Which stereotype do you think is more likely to cause someone to become angry and outspoken against?

And finally, the opposite side also regulary forgets about transgender men entirely in the discourse. When people opposed to transgender people in the sex-seggregated spaces of their gender identity talk about that, they only ever think about it meaning that transgender woman would now be outside of the womens bathroom, they never think about it also meaning that transgender men would now be requierred to use the womens.

(reminds me of a case I once read. Essentially, a transgender men - who, based on what happend was clearly already passing- , living in a place where it was going by legal ID, was at a offical place to change his legal ID to male, had to use the restroom and - not wanting to break the law - went into the womens. Except someone was already there. Let's just say that "awkward" does not even begin to describe it)