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[–]Taln_Reich 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Sexual attraction is rooted in instincts that arose coz we are members of an animal species that reproduces sexually. As a species with higher intelligence, we humans come up with all sorts of ways to rationalize our sexual orientation, tastes, preferences, behaviors. But what we find sexually attractive is not a product of rational thought. It's a matter of primal, primitive urges and animal instincts that evolution has endowed us with.

precisely. It is not rooted in rational thought, but in primal animalistic instincts. So the abstract knowledge "The person I perceive with my senses to be female/male was born male/female" doesn't measure into sexual attraction. Therefore, sexual orientation is based on apparent gender.

Ah, but methinks you have indeed made your personal feelings quite clear.

I did not. I merely stated what I know about how other people feel about this issue.