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[–]loveSloaneDebate King 11 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Question 3 ... Why do you think people don't have gender identities?

I know other people said they think it’s real- I don’t. I think gender identity was a term offered to de stigmatize being trans and to get around acknowledging a mental condition. Gender identity doesn’t really make sense. I can elaborate but it would take a long time so I’ll ask this, and if you respond I’ll elaborate: what is the definition of gender identity? And of gender on its own?

“I believe people have gender identities.”

I believe that there are people who genuinely believe that they have gender identity. But when they describe it, it just sounds like stereotypes and dysphoria and or other mental conditions.

“People identify as a man, a woman, other animals, other things.”

What is an animal’s gender? And unless you think all women love pink and dresses and barbies and all men love beer and trucks and footballs, I don’t think it makes sense to accept someone saying “I feel uncomfortable in my body and also happen to be drawn to stereotypically fe/male things, therefore I understand what it is to be the gender that I’m not and have never been treated or seen as”. It sounds very regressive, sexist, and frankly narcissistic to me.

“That's why there is beegender, catgender, robogender, so many genders”

Gender is not about how you see yourself, gender is societal/cultural. I don’t think people choose or identify into a gender in reality, I think we are born out sex and gender is the societal expectations and pressures placed on us for no reason other than our sex. I don’t think humans gender animals/non humans. I can’t even imagine how we would. We may associate some animals with either gender (some people associate cats with females/femininity and dogs with males/masculinity for example). But that’s not about the animal itself and the animal doesn’t object or accept any gendered associations placed on it.

All of that to say, unless someone identifies as a bee and can function as one, like literally can live in a hive amongst them and sting someone I don’t really get how I’m supposed to take beegender seriously. That’s not say that humans who don’t function typically don’t have a sex/gender- society still places expectations on them (many of which have nothing to do with their actual sex), but what I’m saying is just that, if someone identifies with and as a bee, they don’t need validation from humans, they gotta get it from the bees somehow.

Someone can feel they aren’t human, doesn’t make them not a human. Even the fact that they can and do think so much about their identity is a very human specific thing to do.

Eta- as for non binary, I think the concept of it makes no sense and it just reinforces exactly what it claims to reject. And as I said before- gender isn’t about identity, it’s societal, someone can identify as non binary, society has no use for the concept and will still place gendered expectations on a non binary person based on their sex. Even if we accept they have no gender.

[–]MezozoicGaygay male 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

some people associate cats with females/femininity and dogs with males/masculinity for example

I've read article about this at one point. It was pretty sexist, but in general idea was that "cats are on their own and don't need extra care, cats have their own free will and do not listen what they are said - that is why men will be angry on them, often beat them, while women will like them, as this means less things to care about in their lives where they are already caring about everyone else", and that "dogs are very easily trained, always listening to the owner, doing what owner said and rarely having their own free personality like cats do, so men are liking them, as men like when all what they say is unquestioningly fulfilled". I know a lot of women, who are hating cats and having a lot of dogs, and a lot of men who only have cats (I have cats personally). However, that article is very well showing "gender expectations" of men and women and why animals are associated with men or women.