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[–]MezozoicGaygay male 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

some people associate cats with females/femininity and dogs with males/masculinity for example

I've read article about this at one point. It was pretty sexist, but in general idea was that "cats are on their own and don't need extra care, cats have their own free will and do not listen what they are said - that is why men will be angry on them, often beat them, while women will like them, as this means less things to care about in their lives where they are already caring about everyone else", and that "dogs are very easily trained, always listening to the owner, doing what owner said and rarely having their own free personality like cats do, so men are liking them, as men like when all what they say is unquestioningly fulfilled". I know a lot of women, who are hating cats and having a lot of dogs, and a lot of men who only have cats (I have cats personally). However, that article is very well showing "gender expectations" of men and women and why animals are associated with men or women.