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[–]luckystar 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I think it's fine if trans people are parents. I believe the right to choose to have children or to not have children is a fundamental human right and I don't agree with putting restrictions on that right, though I'm okay with social services revoking the right post facto for parents who have been proven to be abusive/incapable of providing a home environment for the child.

There are so many non traditional families these days. I see this issue as akin to kids with gay and lesbian parents in a sense that there is a lot of hand wringing over "But what if the children don't understand" when really kids are pretty flexible. "Suzie has two mommies" type scenarios are pretty normal for where I live. I believe that being gay or transsexual is something innate, so kids seeing it doesn't mean they will grow up to be gay/transsexual.

I'm mostly concerned with the children who are being chemically castrated at young ages. Trans, gay/lesbian, and GNC children are increasingly put through hormone blockers followed by cross-sex hormones, meaning that they will be infertile for life based on decisions they made when they were 13-16ish (often after years of being socialized as the opposite sex). I find this to be a huge abrogation of the rights of children. While I understand the trade-offs and the reasoning as to why some parents and medical professionals think that this is an acceptable course of treatment, it definitely violates my own personal moral and ethical code and I would not allow it for my own child.

[–]peakingatthemomentTranssexual (natal male), HSTS[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think it's fine if trans people are parents.


I believe the right to choose to have children or to not have children is a fundamental human right and I don't agree with putting restrictions on that right, though I'm okay with social services revoking the right post facto for parents who have been proven to be abusive/incapable of providing a home environment for the child.

I agree! I wish it were easier for us sometimes, but the nature of physically transitioning means that will be harder I feel like.

I see this issue as akin to kids with gay and lesbian parents in a sense that there is a lot of hand wringing over "But what if the children don't understand" when really kids are pretty flexible.

Totally! I feel like as long as the child feels safe, protected, and loved those sorts of things won’t matter.

I'm mostly concerned with the children who are being chemically castrated at young ages. Trans, gay/lesbian, and GNC children are increasingly put through hormone blockers followed by cross-sex hormones, meaning that they will be infertile for life based on decisions they made when they were 13-16ish (often after years of being socialized as the opposite sex).

This is a big concern! I’m happy that people like JKR are raising more awareness about it. I hope that treatment guidelines return to where they were years ago when there was more of a watchful waiting approach.