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[–]poestal 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

honestly and truly; I commend you speaking out and voicing your true opinions on such subjects, if I may critique on certain subjects.

But then it occoured to me. They're kids. It's 12 year olds trying to show how special they are and they will do ridiculous things for attention.... So I let them be, they will grow out of it.

Yes I totally agree that it's some form of adolescent faze such as the gothic/wicken faze just to be different and eccentric; but what I have a problem with is when these "kids" do not grow out of it. these childlike college students or much older adult children who now believe that they are a legitimate subclass of genderism, advocating science and scholars to rule in their favor.

Then there's troll accounts making statements so illogical.....That's not the kind of person one should pay attention to.

that's poe's law theory in a nutshell, people stating the most outlandish things that no one can tell from fiction to nonfiction and that enforces the extremist and outlandish views of certain subgroups. and that can be dangerous. like think of the 4chans "ok" symbol and drinking milk ironically insinuating that they were white nationalist and skinheads logos/signals but when the white nationalist and skinheads start to utilize it, it no longer becomes ironic.

Also the past of white folks isn't exactly flattering so I can see why some may be salty at us about it, but who cares. As long as white people don't get stabbed by being white people, but it's usually the opposite. Black people at points struggling to pull their arse out of ghettos doesn't really help it either. I'm sure if they had proper education and less disadvantages from the get-go they would do just as well as white people. How do I know? From other countries where being black is nothing more than a different skin colour, because they could start out in a place with little to no racism with the right resources giving them more of an equal chance than countries like the US ever did.

I don't believe you understand why there is discourse between races in the US. black people were legitimately slaves until late 1870's and no more than second class citizens until 1950 and they thoroughly believe in having reparations due to there misfortune just as how natives were given reparations. and I agree to a point but only to the ones who truly suffered during those trials. but I also don't believe in throwing money at a problem as a solution because now we have this subculture where people who get gov. assistance are no longer willing to work (especially in reservations). and there is also a subculture that has tainted the black population. the ghetto culture has destroyed the black community with drug dealing, clubbing, hoeing, rap careers, gang lifestyle, or gaming gov. assistance being a more acceptable route than doing an honest mans work "slaving away" and being family orientated. and for black people chastizing others going against that subculture and calling them "uncle toms".

I personally enjoy living in a country where we're developed enough for proper support and education of the people and where only special units of the police and rangers carry guns as both our suicides and murder percentages are way below the US.

I disagree wholeheartedly. I could get really into this topic to the point where I could write a book but for now; the police and government agencies don't have your personal well-being in their priority list. the us murder rate has steadily decreased thoughout the years without removing firearms from law abiding citizens. when you look into the murder rate, the majority belongs in gang on gang violence. the suicide rate does not change whether it be from pills, firearm, knife, or other means; only the tool used.

[–]LordGhoul[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I know why there is a discourse, I don't think I have to point out the obvious. I don't think simply throwing money at people fixes the problem either. Personally, I think education plays a big part, but also the social aspects and that they end up being stuck in these sorta "cut off" communities. Like they're being born into a mess and just get used to it. Something should be more actively done to reduce it and point them in a better direction instead of shrugging and being like "Welp that's how it is". And racism is still a problem in the US.

Even though the murder rates are decreasing (which means progress so hooray for that) it still stands out like a sore thumb compared to a lot of other countries. But I think instead of removing guns from the people, the US needs a different approach. I think, again, education plays a big part, as well as how the country deals with the mentally ill. There's also a bunch of other issues but if I pointed out everything wrong with the US I wouldn't be done by tomorrow. It's getting better, but it should be happening a bit faster for the sake of all the people, to avoid so many more deaths. But the politicians do fuck all to fix it. "Thoughts and prayers" never revived anyone.