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[–]carn0ld03[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

> As a reminder, please join us in our daily Rosary Novena.

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> It's going to ramp up in 2021.

> Happy Feast Day of Mary, Mother of God. And as we move into this no-so-shiny new year, Her children are going to be depending on Her more than ever.

> What the commies have done in America is what they've managed to do everywhere their presence has fouled the planet. They've created a war between the classes, but in this case, it's getting really bad.

> What we see unfolding before us is a system where the elites oppress the peasants — and yes, this includes the hierarchy over the faithful.

> The cultural elites are — in no particular order — the media, government, Hollywood, Silicon Valley and corporate America. Expand that traditional pool and toss in the U.S. hierarchy because, well, birds of a feather.

Transcript continues here: