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[–]FailedSpecies[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Female neediness and neuroticism: Even feminist women prefer men who take care of them. (Gul 2018)

On average, adult women cry around 4 times as often as men and don't mature beyond the crying behavior of early teenagers. (Source: (Source:

There is little variation in the sex ratio of adult crying frequency across different cultures (~3.67±0.39). (Van Hemert 2011)

The gender differences in adult crying persisted despite changing gender role expectations between 1981 and 1996. Female neuroticism is also strongly influenced by gender-specific hormones, so the difference is mostly of biological origin. (Lombardo 2001)

Women cry 10 times as often as men in stressful situations such as work environments. (Kraemer 2013)

Women state they would cry in frightening situations ~60 times as likely as men (.4% vs 19.8%). (Lombardo 1983)

Women more likely cry due to conflict (23% vs 14%), men more due to positive appraisals (17% vs 7%) and loss (29% vs 24%).

Women use crying to manipulate their partners more often than males ([item "He or she whines until I do it", t(90) = 2.82, p < .006, d ≈ 0.6]). (Buss 1987)

Women also cry more intensely and their crying episodes last about twice as long as men's. Crying turns into sobbing for women in 65% of cases, compared to just 6% for men (d ≈ 1.9!). (Lutz 2001)

In terms of brain metabolism, the adult female brain is on average a few years younger than the male brain, consistent with overall neoteny. (Goyal 2019)

The husband's life satisfaction increases by 1.3 (out of 6 points) with each 1-point increase in his wife’s marital appraisals, as opposed to 0.5 per 1-point increase vice-versa. Possible explanations: Men are more empathetic with their partner, or women more likely make a fuss when they feel stressed and/or men more likely hide it. (Carr 2014) (Brown 2015)

A few more related studies: In 185 societies in the Standard Sample, men were more likely hunters, system builders and maintainers, whereas women did the harvesting and food preparation.

In 97% of samples, cooking was an exclusively or predominately female task and in 0% exclusively male.

Women's domain has always been activities close to home in company of other women (the private), and men's domain away from home possibly in contact with other tribes (the public), a sex difference that is also evident in gossipping behavior.

The Standard cross-cultural sample ranges from contemporary hunter gatherers, to early historic states, e.g., the Romans, to contemporary industrial peoples. (Murdock 1973)

Low ranking chimpanzees innovate 3 times as frequently as high ranking ones. Male chimpanzees innovate more often than females in courtship display contexts (X(1) = 11.35, p < 0.001). (Reader 2001)

Men assembled IKEA furniture more accurately (d = 0.65) and faster than women (d = 0.78, 20% faster without instruction booklet). The participants had similar levels of experience with furniture assembly. (Wiking 2015)

Sex differences in grip strength:

"Today, anthropologists generally agree that cases of true matriarchy do not exist in human society, and that they most probably never have."

60% of women, but only 10% of men would forgive infidelity.

An evolutionary explanation might be that "men, but not women, have recurrently faced the problem of uncertainty in their genetic parenthood". (Buss 2018)