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[–]hellonearth 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

No dick taker (who takes dick willingly) is smart.

THATS THE FUCKING TRUTH. Like.. I have a super super high sex drive but.... I would never take dick lmao it so repulsd by men and hetero sex that it would be terrorising and extremely traumatizing for me, i dont even desire men or sex with them even tho im hetero, i dont even have crushes for me, falling in love with men is so FUCKING RIDICULOUS AND MEANS YOU ARE DUMB( AND WOMEN FALL IN LOVE WIYH MEN SO MUCH MORE AND HARDER WHILE MEN DONT LOVE LOL WOMEN ARE RETARDS FOR LOVING MEN THRY NEED TO WAKE TF UP AND SEE HOW HILARIOUS STUPID IS THAT) IVE always knew what men really are and was always rageful at other women for being naive retarded pick-mes. And women give so much love to men and worship them like gods even tho men are literal monsters and parasites LMAOv THIS IS SO FUCKUNG RIDICULOUS IN MY MIND I THINK BOUT IT EVERYDAY AND SIT IN FUCKUNG SILNECE THINKING "WHAT THE FUCK?????? WHAT THE AVTUAL FUCK?? WHY YALL WORSHIP THOSE INFERIOR MALE PIGS YOU STUPID MASOCHISTS??? WHY DONT YOU REALIZE?? WHY ARE ALL WOMEN NOT AWAKE?" it took me so long to realize and accept that but thats the fucking blacpill. It true . it kinda feels terrorizing but its good to be awake. IRLTS TRUE

ITS TRUE ..... for real