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[–]FreedomUltd[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's insane how we're talking about actual children getting killed by the thousands, and they're talking about an entirely fictional "antisemitism" crisis that exists nowhere outside the imagination. It's like responding to warnings of another holocaust by babbling about Sauron.

It's like we're going, "Oh my god, civilians are being massacred on a daily basis by a racist apartheid regime!" And they're going, "Oh yeah well you know what we should really be worried about? Sauron, the Dark Lord."

You'd be like "What?? I'm talking about a real thing that's actually happening to actual real-life human beings! You're talking about a work of fiction by JRR Tolkien."

"Oh so you're just going to dismiss Sauron's plan to overrun Middle Earth with orcish hordes as soon as he recovers the One Ring?" they'd say. "What are you, some kind of Mordor lover?"

"What the hell are you babbling about??" you'd protest. "We're talking about actual, physical people being ripped apart by actual, physical military explosives, and you're talking about some imaginary fantasy land like it's a real thing! How are we supposed to address this actual real-life problem when you only want to talk about something that has no existence outside the realm of the imagination?"

"I guess you just hate hobbits," they'd say.

I mean, how would you even argue with someone like this? How do you debate someone about a real-life problem of unparalleled urgency when all they want to talk about is a completely made-up crisis that absolutely is not happening on this material plane? It's the most frustrating thing in the world.