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[–]Newmug 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Its russian / commie interference.

There was no problem with black people until 2016. Before then we had the Jackson 5, tonnes of black sports stars and actors / singers, Colin Powell, Neil DeGrasse-Tyson, and Barrack Obama. No problem! Faggots were also just living their lives in degeneracy and mental illness, but free.

Then Trump was elected. And this is where commies like China, NK, and russia saw an opportunity.

Trump took a zero bullshit attitude to leftism. He even had the balls to visit those threatening the US, look them in the eye, and tell them peace, or he will fuck their shit up. They knew there could be no military shenanigans while Trump was in power, or he would just stomp them out. They had to get him out.

Behind the scenes, they started a psyops campaign to sow discontent - they started the culture wars in America. China bought reddit, leftists infiltrated Universities and started "gender studies", russia cultivated an image of being ultra macho. The idea was not for one-or-the-other side to win, but to create division and instability in the greatest, most unified, most dominant country in the world - the U.S. of A.

They succeeded! Trump didn't get re-elected, faggots, pedos and minorities now run America, and your good-ole-average-Joe seems to think russia are the good guys!!! The completely turned things upsidedown without firing a single shot on American soil, just by propaganda and brainwashing.

This is why we have to support Ukraine and Taiwan. Not only are they the good guys, but if the commies have a psyops win, they will do it again. And again. And again. They will have overcome military might by using infiltration, and their goal is to dominate. Don't fool yourself, it happened before and it can happen again. Imagine what China would do if they took political control of the world - all Christians sent to concentration camps, all non-orientals to be used as slaves, all women to be "bred" with a chinese first, all queers (who were their useful idiots) to be gassed.

Its happening to the Uighers right now, we can't let this happen to a modern European country who are just as civilised as us.