

A researcher has found that of the 16 moderators of Reddit's sub for lesbians, 11 of them were biologically male transwomen. The forum has now been closed down because too many women on there only wanted to date other biological women, and this was considered 'transphobic'
asterias 32 insightful - 5 fun32 insightful - 4 fun33 insightful - 5 fun 3 years ago

So all major subs on reddit have been compromised one way or another. I think most people wouldn't imagine this would happen to lesbians, from all groups, and on a left platform like reddit. The slippery slope is real.

What is something you wont miss from reddit?
asterias 25 insightful - 3 fun25 insightful - 2 fun26 insightful - 3 fun 3 years ago

And often used in order to silence people, as negative karma means you can't post as easily.

Reddit admits that their latest subreddit purge was a failure; only 18% decrease in "toxic comments"
asterias 20 insightful - 3 fun20 insightful - 2 fun21 insightful - 3 fun 3 years ago

They have been banning lots of users, including those who had upvoted "wrongthing". There will be a reduction of users, so that they will be left with only those users that they deem "non-toxic".

The United States is 'looking at' banning TikTok and other Chinese social media apps, Pompeo says
asterias 18 insightful - 6 fun18 insightful - 5 fun19 insightful - 6 fun 3 years ago

I hope the rest of the world takes notice and starts banning facebook.

Reddit bans anyone for mentioning their new admin Ashton "Aimee" Challenor's name
asterias 20 insightful - 1 fun20 insightful - 0 fun21 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

Reddit going to extremes to hide the fact that its admins are really filthy individuals. What a surprise! (not)