

Welcome back everyone!!
PeakingPeachEater 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

There's, which is part of the #SuperStraight/Sexualities movements. Not a lot of activity, but we can become active over there.

I thought about creating a backup for lgbdropthet but changed my mind. Currently working on other projects at the moment.

I only made this Saidit account honestly to check out DroptheT and GC sub(which I don't consider myself GC anymore since it's tied to a certain ideology).

But anyways, I think that slgbs forum may be one of the best alternatives we have for now.

Do you think the queer and trans movement will drive lesbians - particularly young lesbians - into the arms of radical feminists?
PeakingPeachEater 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

I'm not a fan of any extreme ideology, and I would say radical feminism is extreme.

Just some background on me I suppose...

I used to be extremely interested in radical feminism, studied up on it, watched videos, read articles, and spoke with other radfems to better understand the ideology. In the end, I came to the conclusion of just staying unaligned.

I've made a couple comments in the past about my experience with radical feminism, but I will condense it down.

But first I want to say---I have nothing against radfems, so hope nobody gets it twisted. I had many radfems call me "heartless" and "cold" for not sympathizing with transitioning despite being detrans myself. I don't hate trans people, I just don't agree with any type or form of transitioning but that makes me an "extremist, heartless asshole" lol. Then I have some radfems who I like, and they were very cool to talk to. I know not all are the same.


My time over there, I have seen many misandrist comments and even comments shaming other women calling them handmaidens for the smallest things. There was an argument before that "women wear makeup because men made them" but then a lesbian women chimed in(not sure if she might actually be on this sub?) and said she likes to wear makeup for herself, and she's in a relationship with a woman, not a man. So they argued back and forth with her...They've also complained about women shaving---which...I don't see what the problem is as someone who's done athletics?? Both men and women shave for athletics lol. And even if they didn't, who cares if someone shaves or not? That's there personal preference. But I guess that makes them handmaidens for liking to shave. Some days I'm a hairy wookie, and other days I'm hairless and shiny like Mr. Clean's head.

In regards to the misandrist comments I saw, I saw some that said "Women shouldn't give birth, because they might end up raising another oppressor". That seems a bit fucked up to see your own son in that light for just being born. I even had someone tell me that it's in men's DNA/biological nature to be "predatory" and "rapists". Unless they're homosexual men, this radfem said that homosexual men like Blaire White are not a threat to women. Not exactly...sure what they're trying to say about homosexual men, hopefully a good thing?? But I'm thinking maybe they're not thinking well of them.

I've also noticed radical feminism is mostly american-centric. There were several posts saying "vote for Biden!! we have no choice, because he's lesser evil than Trump!!" and when a fellow latin mentioned some things that Biden did and was mostly neutral, they attacked her and said she was wrong and her comments were downvoted. There's a hive think in that particular website, if you don't agree with them, they downvote you to hell.

I actually made a controversial post that poked holes in their hypocrisy to where they called me heartless and a few other names lol. I wont post it here though, but I can DM you OP on that one haha.

Anyways to answer your question:

Do you think the queer and trans movement will drive lesbians - particularly young lesbians - into the arms of radical feminists?

I would have to say some maybe---but the #SuperStraight movment might be more appealing to the younger audience for the wholesomeness and memes. So, they'll probably check out the #SuperLesbian equivalent to it.

I'm just looking for other people's perceptions - or your own experiences of this. Although my primary concern is the impact that the TQ movement is having, it does worry me that the reaction will be to escape into another ideology, which again looks appealing on the surface but doesn't represent our interests.

Yeah, it can be worrisome. My younger brother is in his early 20s, when he was in college, he got sucked up into those religious cults and wouldn't shut the fuck up about it for the longest time. When he dropped out of college, he realized how ridiculous the cult was and went back to being an agnostic/"apatheist"(aka, doesn't give a shit about what is or isn't). But now he debates those former cultists when they try to proselytize him and purposely argues with them for "fun", but I digress.

Anywho, I don't particular like to identify with any ideology at all. Some people try to make it their whole being/"personality". Atheism seems to be a word used more for politics[ex. "All atheists are liberals!!! If you don't agree with us, you're just as bad as those Christians!! But also we don't mind Muslims for some strange reason because we're progressives!!! That'd be 'racist' if we didn't agree with Muslims!!!"] than it's actually meaning now, so I don't use that word to identify myself. Now I just say I lack belief or don't have religion. I could go on about the atheist community but then I'd be straying way off topic lol.

If you won’t fuck us it’s genocide
PeakingPeachEater 7 insightful - 8 fun7 insightful - 7 fun8 insightful - 8 fun 3 years ago

It's not a lie, I'm superbi.~~ ♫♪♫♪

Which just means, I fuck only gals and guys.~~♫♪♫♪

Don't know what that means, because you only listen to teens?~~♫♪♫♪

Then listen closely. . . .~~♫♪♫♪

OK, I'm done coming up with lyrics lol. Just realized the first sentenced rhymed and went off from there haha.

The hottest f*g in the men’s restroom <3
PeakingPeachEater 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

That depresses me as someone who likes martial arts. These weirdo yaoi fans are ruining perfectly normal terms. :-/

[Rant] Bisexual Redditors Obsessed with TQ
PeakingPeachEater[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

Damn, that post was depressing, but does explain biphobia so well. He has no one to talk to about this except the bisexual community.

Also, I don't think it's very....not sure what the word is---I think it's kinda crappy that he would consider breaking up with his girlfriend because of his parents homophobia. The GF didn't do anything wrong...but if he's not that into her, then I supposed there's nothing wrong with that.

I wouldn't just date a woman to prove a point that "I'm not straight", it's silly.

Good post though. I'll have to check out r/BiBros and r/BisexualMen. I occasionally lurk reddit to see what crazy or interesting content they may have. I have a feeling the female equivalent will either be privated, banned, or invaded by TQ+. :-/ I'll have to keep on the lookout for it.

[Rant] Bisexual Redditors Obsessed with TQ
PeakingPeachEater[S] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

Hey, I sit like an idiot! How daaaaaare you!

Hahaha, I sit like an idiot too! I can't sit still and move around a lot...but that might be ADHD kicking in heh.

True, most of the stereotypes are from teenagers---I just cringe when 30+y.o. use the same stereotypes the same way as teens...

I just wish we had a community AWAY from all this gender identity nonsense. The TQ get to have their own space PLUS invade ours---that's what's frustrating...

The TQ+ Takeover is complete
PeakingPeachEater 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

Exactly!! It's just so weird and gross.

Unfortunately, this guy is friends with HR and has worked here for decades. He even mentioned how he "built this company" basically and brags about it. Everyone that's in upper management are pompous jackasses who don't care about us. They even bully the leadership team below them. I'm just glad I don't work there anymore. It was a hell hole.

Also, this trans male boss transition later in life, around early 40s. His "dead name", aka, birthname, is still on some of the company stuff and I've seen it.

I really doubt he's always "felt like a girl" based on that and also joining the military and telling stereotypical "dude-bro" stories at the time he was there. Lol

Edit: word

Bi Colours in Natural Minerals (Beads)
PeakingPeachEater 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

I like the subtly and idea you have.

I've been looking up some subtle designs for some time haha.

I like stuff like this sky painting for example or these flowers.

I've even thought about getting a pink & blue gaming rig. Thought it'd be cool, but subtle haha.

The TQ+ Takeover is complete
PeakingPeachEater 19 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 0 fun20 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

Yep, and it's frustrating and annoying to deal with.

Had to deal with it at last job, my boss was a trans male, and he acted stereotypically girly(ex. loved pink, long hair, anime...says he "talks a lot", etc) and considers himself a "girly-girl" it was weird...since he's a middle-age man with a wife and kids. Apparently, he came out as polyarmorous recently to the entire work and talks about it all the time...It's just come on man, nobody cares. First coming out as trans, now was poly.

I'm glad I work at new job, but just now received an email for a work survey from someone who puts "she/her" in their bloody email signature.

Anyways...I wish these TQ+ things were separate from work AND from hobby/interest groups such as the one you were in. Gender identity politics don't belong in a gay MEN'S group. It's not up for debate, you have XY chromosome and like men, you're gay. If you're female, taken hormones and did surgery to appear as go to a "gay" TRANSmen's group.

Not sure why a trans"woman" is in a gay men's group if "she" believes that "she" is a woman. Lol. Jeez...they need to go to their own group because we hardly have any of our own...

I don't understand why people always have to center the world around the TQ+ and accommodate them all the time while allowing them to invade our spaces, it's annoying and stupid.

Easier time making friends than keeping them...
PeakingPeachEater[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

I wish society would let us do whatever we want with our looks as long as it's occasion appropriate and/or safe for children.

Exactly, we should be able to do what we want. I have people comment everytime I cut my hair short. It's customary for me to grow out my hair for a year then I chop it into a pixie cut/short haircut haha. Men always say I should've kept it and women say "Wow, you're so brave, I could never do that!" Okay....

Also about appropriate/safe for children, agreed on that too. I hate that they're allowing children to wear hyper sexualize "drag" costumes. Why can't they keep it normal and feminine like Pierre XO(he's more punk-rock in style) and (some) of Miles Kai's outfits?

Easier time making friends than keeping them...
PeakingPeachEater[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

Minor update: Friend and I are good haha. I was making a mountain over molehill. Just wasn't sure if he was gonna ghost me... experienced that in the past and wasn't sure if I fucked up this time or what I should do. .__. I'm terrible at keeping friends.

The hottest f*g in the men’s restroom <3
PeakingPeachEater 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

Yeah, seme and uke is used specifically in erotic anime porn. I don't believe gay Japanese men actually use the terminology seme and uke...just fans of Yaoi do.

"Netflix's 'The Mitchells vs. the Machines' is how to do LGBTQ representation in kids' movies"
PeakingPeachEater[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

I used to like Umbrella Academy from Netflix but...after the whole Ellen/"Elliot" Page thing, it's going to be awkward watching it... She's a transman and lobbed off her boobs had a double mastectomy and wants everyone to call her a he/they or whatever. Not sure how it will play out on the show since she plays a female character.

Edit: So in otherwords, I'll probably stop watching it...

The hottest f*g in the men’s restroom <3
PeakingPeachEater 16 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 0 fun17 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago
  1. They're creepy Yaoi fangirls/fujoshi that want to be a beautiful/pretty boy "uke" to their "seme".

  2. It drives me up the wall too as a bisexual woman, she's an asshole/idiot.

  3. Probably a creepy "f*g-hag"---I think that's how they say it in English?...They're OBSESSED with gay men.

** Unfortunately, I know what "uke" and "seme" mean because I was best friends with a creepy yaoi fangirl since grade school up until junior high and she wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. She wanted to be an "uke" and have a "seme". She went from calling herself "pansexual" to "lesbian". She's dated boys in the past and had a huge crush on me, it was not subtle. Was clingy, jealous, and lazy. Made me tired, ran away from that mess.

The hottest f*g in the men’s restroom <3
PeakingPeachEater 18 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 0 fun19 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

In otherwords, NotLikeOtherGirls™.

...Hope she realizes that being a "boy in a dress" doesn't instantly make her "cooler". A lot of "boys in dresses" get bullied, mocked, and beaten up instead for being themselves, unfortunately. I'm a woman, but when I was a girl, I used to dress very masculine and get confused as a boy---my pops threatened to kick me out and give me a beating because I "look gay". times...

She's just a girl who wants to be "unique" and "edgy" just like the rest...

Yes, it's homophobic for straight guys to refuse to fuck gay men
PeakingPeachEater 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

One of the main give aways that they're a troll is that they didn't write back a paragraph explaining "Yes, but gender identity!" and going off about that--this troll was too blunt with their refutes instead of beating around the bush.

Plus, it looks like the troll used terminology that r/FemaleDatingStrategy uses such as LVM, I didn't know what that word meant until I looked it up. I don't think woke™ people use that term, haha.

Yes, it's homophobic for straight guys to refuse to fuck gay men
PeakingPeachEater 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

Yeah, I honestly think it's a troll trying to get r/AskGayBros banned...There seems to be a new trans-related question almost everyday on there.

Easier time making friends than keeping them...
PeakingPeachEater[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

Hi Kai! :)

Yeah...Groups are too much sometimes. I always end up in "trio groups" somehow. The pro to it is that I wont have complete focus or attention on me(i hate getting any attention...) but the bad thing is I usually end up as the 'designated leader', aka "What fun activities are you going to plan for us today Peach?". .___. The only 'good' thing I can say about a big groups(5+ peeps) is that I get to melt in the background, but there's a lot of cons too lol.

I noticed that whenever I did make a friend and they introduced me into a group, I never fared well and the initial friend I have stops interacting with me as much as they find they have more in common with their already established friend(s).

If you don't mind me asking, does it usually occur due to not having similar interests or perhaps they didn't get to know you well?

I ask because...

I make friendly chat with people, then they want to be "besties" and it doesn't end to well for our friendship due to 1) getting overwhelmed by the sudden transition from acquaintances to friends and shutting down 2) They don't know me well...And usually we have only ONE mutual interest but nothing else in common or nothing else interesting to talk about except for one subject... and 3)...I don't want the same type of friendship that they want. I want someone who can fair well with being alone and not fill in the silence with idle chatter and expecting me to answer to everything they say and having to be around each other 24/7(i had clingy friends in the past...)

I actually lost a lot of my other online friends when I came out in support of JK Rowling and came out as Gender Critical admitting that I don't believe in Transgender ideology and that men can't become women or vice versa.

Dang, I'm sorry to hear about that! :-( I mentioned in another comment that I had a friend, I'll call him vaquero, he was my trans male cousin's friend, but we hit it off as friends too. Vaquero's right-leaning, I'm unaligned/moderate(used to be left-leaning and shook out of that completely), even when we had disagreements, he was very respectful and shared his views in eloquent and polite ways. We were both actually in agree about being against my cousin transitioning and spoke in private...We were both concerned for him and the sudden change---it seems like he is getting abused by his parents who treat him like shit was our conclusion---my uncle and aunt are despicable to be honest...

Then in the flip side i became aquainted with stalky pansexual (former) coworker who gets ANGRY if you disagree with her woke™ views and treats you like an idiot. It was tiring. I cut her off after, and she still texted me to berate me months after. According to G (former) coworker, she's off her meds and ended up quitting the job so she'd unemployed now. So...yep...

None right now if we're talking IRL. Online, I have only 3 friends I associate with and it's mostly through hobby.

Same boat, no IRL friends unless my brothers count?? But they don't really stay in contact, i have to make the effort all the time, idk if I wanna keep making the effort... As for online friends...I think I have mostly in acquaintance level close to friend level?? I like them and would consider as friend, but don't know how they feel about me, so I'd say acquaintances for now haha.

I mainly just look for having things in common, fairly positive attitude (they don't have to be happy all the time but what I mean is jut trying to see the bright side of things and not dwell too much on the negative), and patience.

Those are good traits to have for sure! I like friends that are also productive and inspired, because it motivates me.

Straight friend is on App and matches with women as well
PeakingPeachEater 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

If she wants to use an "all in one dating app" tell her to use Bumble, it has 3 different modes: Dating1, Best Friend Search2, and Business Networking3

She can still have a dating profile but make a separate profile for friendships with other women and for business too if she wanted.

What she's doing right now is not appropriate. Imagine if she matched with guy after guy who are like "LOL jk I'm only looking for friends, sucks for you". Pretty sure she wouldn't like that.

Why I love my cheap phone: not sponsored, just truth. (15:29) ~ Louis Rossmann
PeakingPeachEater 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

I've heard from a tech YouTuber to wait a few years before buying a flagship phone. It'll cost the same as a mid-range phone, but have really good/better specs since it used to be the flagship of the company--so they focus most of their time and resources on it.

Why I love my cheap phone: not sponsored, just truth. (15:29) ~ Louis Rossmann
PeakingPeachEater 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

Moto G isn't bad, I used to own one and a couple of Motorola phones (moto X4, moto G4, moto G4 play). Switched to Pixel 4a---but that's based on how I used my phone.

I want to flash either Calyxos or GrapheneOS, haven't decided yet.

I hate google, yet I can't lie that it has a lot of convenient features...for the cost of privacy. :-/

Have you decided what voip to use yet?

I saw your other post--- I heard that and mysudo were good but I personally never used either, just heard word of mouth.

ANNOUNCEMENT: new mod, and this sub will be opening soon!
PeakingPeachEater 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

Hey, thanks!

Seeking VoIP Information
PeakingPeachEater 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

For VOIPs I'd recommend or mysudo. I haven't tried them yet but kept seeing good things about them. I actually wanted to transition to VOIP soon due to low cost, privacy, and well...I hardly ever use my phone as a phone really...Going to compare the two later and see which one is better suited for me...