Dot-Bit uses Bitcoin technology to decentralize and free website addresses, just like Bitcoin decentralizes and frees money.(
Mozilla, Firefox planning to censor conservatives at the browser level; deplatforming isn’t enough(
PinePhone has physical kill switches for its cameras, microphone, data, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi.(
Amazon Locked Man Out of Smart Home Devices for a Week After False Racism Accusation(
Elon Musk turns down coronavirus vaccine, claims pandemic “diminished his faith in humanity(
MailChimp Banned Over Censorship Concerns(
Salesforce Inc. tries to sabotage the "freedom friendly" social networking site Ruqqus(
TIL of the Invention Secrecy Act. The government has a program in place which specifically deals with inventions that are deemed to be "threats to national security" (open thread for choice quotes). There are currently 6102 inventions under lock and key, some of which "pertain to energy generation".(
HP covers USB port with sticker, insists you to use their cloud service(
Project V is a set of network tools that helps you to build your own computer network. It secures your network connections and thus protects your privacy.(
So many reasons Apple is wrong here.(
Requiring ink to scan a document - yet another insult from the printer industry(
ChatGPT is so heavily moderated and biased that it's impossible to use it without constantly receiving unprompted sanctimonious rants about diversity and inclusion.(
Stop donating to "foundations", donate directly to developers if you want to help open source(
The Roll-Out of Windows 11 is the Perfect Time to Decide to Switch to Linux(
A few simple website availability monitoring solutions for tor onion services.(
Diode Drive - a privacy-focused alternative to Google Drive or Dropbox(
Facebook executives admit meddling with election, backing Biden(
Why Everyone Should Build Their Own PC and Stop Using Macs(
What's wrong with Intel: Former principal engineer unloads(
New Pine64 phones with upgraded hardware begin shipping in August(
The New Federal EARN IT Act Is a Sneak Attack on Encryption - "It uses the laudable aim of fighting child exploitation to cynically launder law enforcement’s unsuccessful, decades-long effort to undermine strong end-to-end encryption."(
New Mac ransomware spreading through piracy(