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[–]wizzwizz4 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I can't be bothered with your code.

But I see you got a good way through it before giving up. :-p I'll translate the bits I'm not certain you understood.

It's fucking stupid.


We still don't even know what this COVID-19 is other than what they allege it is.

I know a bit.

The tests are proprietary. Private patented info for profit. There are so many false positives and people being told they have it and they haven't even tested.

Yes, and it sucks.

ALL doctors, scientists, nurses, and people with related expertise who challenge the official narrative are CENSORED.

No – they're ignored, that's different; you can still find what they're saying if you look.

All they do is drum up fear.

That's nothing new, and you can still find people who aren't.

I don't know LessWrong well. You may have linked him before.

While LessWrong has been used as a pseudonym by the autodidactic polymath Eliezer Yudkowsky, LessWrong's now a forum home to essays like There is a war., and a recent (~9-month-old) subculture performing independent, amateur research on COVID-19; here's their link database if you want to skip the wordy.

Break free. Just because you like their shows or personalities (why their paid to be there) doesn't mean they aren't professional perpetual liars (even if they don't even realize it).

I understand what you're trying to say here, and it's valid, and even by my standards I'm probably being a bit too trusting here – but you'll have to work on your wording a bit if you don't want to sound like a loony. If you're trying to do outreach (which you sound like you are), you're not going to get NTs on-board if you talk like that. This criticism brought to you by “I'm probably beyond help, so somebody might as well get something out of this conversation”.