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[–][deleted]  (9 children)


    [–]Extract 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

    What facts?
    All the "facts" in this post are "bro those are sourced and established historical facts trust me".

    [–]america_first_1776 22 insightful - 7 fun22 insightful - 6 fun23 insightful - 7 fun -  (7 children)

    [–]Nelumbo 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

    Despite being only 50% of the American population...

    96% of the Supreme Court justices have been men

    Men on most of the media

    Men are in control of most of the advertising companies along with the media and uses this to promote the subjugation of women

    Even in the Soviet Union, it was the men that were disproportionately in leadership roles

    Men control the porn industry, look at all the male names of porn company founders

    All American presidents have been men

    Men made up 88% of the world's billionaires in 2015

    Men are charged for about 99% of rapes and 88% of murders

    What do you want to do with this information? Create an ethnostate without da jooz? Extreme feminists can use the same arguments as a reason for why men and women should have separate countries, only interacting when there is need for copulation to further the species. But you probably think that sounds laughable, so why should anyone take this ethnostate shit (or whatever the alt-right wants to do about the jews) seriously?

    [–]america_first_1776 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (5 children)

    Yeah, men also are responsible for practically all modern innovation and they built basically every building you see in every major city and always have. The US and practically every single other civilization has been driven by men because of two traits: 1) men are more likely to have abnormally high IQ and 2) men are more likely to have the testosterone that drives them into positions of leadership in the first place. It's the testosterone and innovative mind of the man that made western civilization possible to begin with. You don't see how a specific 2% with no real nation of their own being responsible for the issues their host nation has is different?

    [–]Nelumbo 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

    Yeah, men also are responsible for practically all modern innovation and they built basically every building you see in every major city and always have.

    Because for most of civilization women were second class citizens who, if they tried being innovative, would be beaten or burned at the stake by the brutes who commit 99% of rapes. Probably gonna take some time for female led innovation to catch up after that shit.

    men are more likely to have the testosterone

    Testosterone also leads to murder and war, imagine how many potential scientists and innovators have died as a result of war.

    You don't see how a specific 2% with no real nation of their own being responsible for the issues their host nation has is different?

    Ummm, sweety, have you considered that maybe jews are in control of everything because of biological reasons? Perhaps whites are just lazy and jews are more likely to have a genetic makeup that drives them into positions of leadership in the first place? /sarcasm

    [–]america_first_1776 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

    Because for most of civilization women were second class citizens who, if they tried being innovative, would be beaten or burned at the stake by the brutes who commit 99% of rapes.

    3 things about that statement: 1) pretty much everyone was executed for being "innovative." I'm pretty sure men were just usually hanged/drawn quartered more and women were burned at the stake more; 2) Even if your statement is true, then I'm still correct and you're basically admitting there is a genetic predisposition for men to be innovative; 3) Evolutionary theory would actually suggest that men have to be innovative to attract a partner. Throughout all of history, women and their fathers were the ones that had the bargaining power. Men had to be innovative in order to crack into the lower % of men that move onto the next genetic stage

    Ummm, sweety, have you considered that maybe jews are in control of everything because of biological reasons? Perhaps whites are just lazy and jews are more likely to have a genetic makeup that drives them into positions of leadership in the first place? /sarcasm

    I actually explained this on another post that even controlling for IQ, Jews are far more represented than they should be. And I gave a very VERY generously high-Iq estimate for Jews (probably a standard deviation off):

    "Having even that high of an average IQ doesn't explain how they are so disproportionately represented in social media, msm, academia, government, and sports team ownership.

    Lets say that the average IQ of a person in such leadership roles is 124 (Here is why I'm using that number). There are about 7 million Jews in the US, meaning that even if their average IQ was as high as 124, there would be ~3.5 million Jews available in the possible pool of "leadership roles." There are 234 million white Americans in the United States. Let's say only 6.5% of whites have an IQ over 124 (I base this off of the bell curve and the approximate percentile breakdown of the bell curve). That means there is a pool of ~10.5 million white Americans to choose from for this pool of "leadership positions.""

    [–]Nelumbo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    there is a genetic predisposition for men to be innovative

    I'm going to quote what someone else wrote:

    The main reason why the majority of "geniuses" are men is not because they have a super talent that women lack. But because historically they have had plenty of available time for training or work. They never have to waste the slightest drop of sweat on either strenuous housework or noisy children. Because during the waking hours of the day, their wives take care of it every day seven days a week. Totally free. They sacrifice their own careers for their husbands to fulfill their vain dreams of fame, glory, wealth and success. However, more than 99 percent of men's dreams never come true. But about these failures, not a word is mentioned about either here or in the media.

    Lots of women with exceptionally high IQ have throughout history sacrificed their own careers by becoming housewives for their husbands who want to reach the top. Women who have reached the top are often childless singles. Men who have reached the top are mostly married family fathers with free service by their wives taking care of housework and kids. Almost no man wants to sacrifice his own career to let his talented wife devote both time and energy to solving math problems, building future large companies, inventions or whatever she may be obsessed with.

    There you have the explanation. The IQ difference between the sexes is far too trivial to explain why the absolute majority, 80 to 95 percent, of Nobel laureates, star chefs, stock market CEOs, top researchers, computer geniuses, elite chess players, etc. are men.

    Men: talent plus full-time housework service performed free of charge by sacrificial wives. Women: talent. Women have more or less been forced to make sacrifices ever since man's transition from the hunter-gatherer era to the agricultural society in order for their husbands to be successful and wealthy.

    End quote.

    Jews are far more represented than they should be.

    If you think it's so unfair that some jews have a lot of money, maybe you should work towards creating a communist state instead of an ethnostate. By the way, sources listed on Wikipedia say that in 1917 only five of the twenty-one members of the Communist Central Committee were Jews. It doesn't look like the jews controlled everything, but let me guess, Wikipedia is run by Zionist lizard people from Mars so you can't trust any source they approve of.

    There are about 7 million Jews in the US, meaning that even if their average IQ was as high as 124, there would be ~3.5 million Jews available in the possible pool of "leadership roles."

    It could be some other aspect of their biology besides IQ that makes them more predisposed for leadership roles, maybe it's a "leadership" gene? Of course that's nonsense, but what do you believe, that there's a "sneaky jew" gene? Do you think all jews are part of some secret cabal who spends their time planning and cackling about how to best subjugate the goyim? lol that's what teen girls on tumblr think men do, that all males are rapists and part of some patriarchal plot to deliberately oppress womynkind.

    Money equals power, the real rulers and oppressors are the rich elite, regardless of their race or gender.

    [–]america_first_1776 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    The quote you posted regarding women is nothing but anecdotal Kafka-trap drivel with absolutely no basis on reality. In fact, I've seen studies suggesting men have overall less free time than women (I'll have to look around to find them again), but that wouldn't fit your narrative.

    If you think it's so unfair that some jews have a lot of money, maybe you should work towards creating a communist state instead of an ethnostate. By the way, sources listed on Wikipedia say that in 1917 only five of the twenty-one members of the Communist Central Committee were Jews. It doesn't look like the jews controlled everything, but let me guess, Wikipedia is run by Zionist lizard people from Mars so you can't trust any source they approve of.

    Passive aggressive reddit-tier strawman take my guy. The only source listed in the wikipedia that dealt with the number of Jews in leadership roles, entitled "The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During World War II and the Holocaust" (yeah, totally not biased) I could not find. I did find out something interesting about the author. You'll never guess what his enthnicity was... I'll give you a hint. He wasn't a Presbyterian.

    For anyone actually interested, here is a list of the names with ethnicities in the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, Council of the People's Commissars, Central Executive Committee, and Extraordinary Commission of Moscow

    [–]Nelumbo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    The only source listed in the wikipedia that dealt with the number of Jews in leadership roles, entitled "The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During World War II and the Holocaust" I could not find.

    See the [9] on Wikipedia after the sentence about the Communist Central Committee? Click on it and you'll see the source is actually A History of the Jews in the Modern World by Howard Sachar.

    The Jewish Enemy book also exists:

    Here's another source. From 1919 until 1991, 89 members of the Politburo were Russians (which makes up 68 percent). In distant second were Ukrainians, who had 11 members in the Politburo, making up 8 percent. In third place are both ethnic Jews and Georgians, who had 4 members respectively. Sourced from The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Politburo by John Löwenhardt, Erik van Ree and James Ozinga.

    I did find out something interesting about the author. You'll never guess what his enthnicity was... I'll give you a hint. He wasn't a Presbyterian.

    Wow, maybe it's because it's mostly jews and anti-semites who would even care to write about how many jews were in high positions at the Soviet government. Wikipedia says your source on the names, Robert Wilton, is an anti-semite who has been accused of fabrication. They do not use him as a source, but instead other writers.

    Passive aggressive reddit-tier strawman take my guy.

    Well, the Zionist lizard people comment was a joking jab, but also a way to point out that you'll dismiss any Wikipedia (a site anyone can edit, thus more likely to be neutral, though they can also suffer biases) source I give as being part of the Zionist lizard conspiracy, and say I should trust the cephas-library page (only editable by whoever runs that website) which sources anti-semite Robert Wilton and links to... Stormfront? No bias there? It's suspicious the owners deleted the page too, maybe they realized it was bullshit?

    The quote you posted regarding women is nothing but anecdotal Kafka-trap drivel

    Wtf is kafkatrap? Google says it's accusing someone of being sexist? You have to explain if it means something else. I don't care if you hate women or are a feminist, I'm just testing how well my arguments hold water. How am I trapping you? If all I wanted to do was call you sexist I would've done that instead of sharing that quote. In the eyes of normies you already look like Hitler just by making that 2% post, anything I say isn't gonna make you look worse.

    In fact, I've seen studies suggesting men have overall less free time than women (I'll have to look around to find them again), but that wouldn't fit your narrative.

    Are these studies written by men? If so I guess I can just dismiss them as biased on account of being written by the oppressor class, like you do with things written by jews.

    Of course, I myself don't really buy into that identity politics nonsense, so you can link them anyway. I'll give it a critical look since I don't want to repeat falsehoods if I am wrong.

    You also didn't answer why jews supposedly control so many things and why that's a problem, is it due to a toxic component in their biology? Are they all part of some secret cabal? Certain feminists have said the same things about men, and even proposed a Final Solution to the Male Question...