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[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Because you're new and because you ONLY have two posts concerning this topic, I cannot not know you're a shill. I would message you evidence and some great research on this topic, but I'm afraid I'm too careful to do that. I'm not claiming you are a shill, only that I have to be cautious because many times when I post all the evidence to some new anon member and their sourced archives; soon after they are erased and censored. It happens all the time to anyone exposing psyops.

As for Las Vegas, I have not researched the event in full like other obvious active shooter drills, so I cannot say. I don't know why you brought up this question as if me saying it was a psychological operation would somehow thrown your biases as the truth.

I can say I have saved one great German research paper, translated into english on the alleged injuries of ALL victims in the alleged Las Vegas shooting, some persons being shot two or three times, which is physically impossible with the distance and amount of spread between each shot. The paper details the impossibilities of people who were allegedly injured who made miraculous recoveries at an impossible number only to conduct interviews on national TV the next day or several days later. Some of whom were shot multiple times, several of which were shot in the head with merely a bandage on and, knowing doctors and nurses, no medical codes of procedures were followed or existed to be done on these media bafoons, traveling to and fro to propagandize their political agendas and conflicting stories.

Also, the impossible amount of bullets allegedly left in all the injured as per their claims, is telling. Compiling the information can take awhile but once it is done you can see the obvious absurdities that either circumstance fakery or media deception. Though, I'm not concluding anything, there are many anomalies, absurdities and outright lies when it comes to the alleged Las Vegas shooting.

For the alleged injured, it is clear the evidence does NOT add up. For the alleged dead, I cannot say. It could have been entirely real w/ fakery involved. I'd have to take the time to reseach in more depth. What I can say, is that one should never believe the media nor alternative news just because they tell you something is true or false. Even if we are to observe grainy videos or clear videos of people lying down with what appears to be blood, guts and flesh, we CANNOT say for sure that anything occured as it was said to have occurrd, even with our own eyes.

Why do I say this? And why should others listen?

Knowing that a billion dollar industry -- private crisis management firms -- exist to fool people by way of deception (moulage, fake blood [hyper-active exercises]) via psychological operations, and they have the LEGAL authority to conduct said operations under the Smith Mundt Modernization Act, via BBG, the executive branch, and DoD decree, it becomes evident that we need to judge each piece of evidence, each story, on its own, and not in the preconceived context written by the media or released by Law enforcement, which, unfortunately is what most people do.

In any case, it goes like this a bunch of men or simply one mock shooter shoots blanks at crowds to incite mass hysteria, media, already staged at staging ground has actors in place, they're able to control the exercise and push narratives. They create the dialectic. If you want a laugh, research the photography of international events, those with obvious elements of fakery and realism, you'll notice a mysterious pattern. That many of these events are filmed in realtime by AP/Reuter photographers and journalists, many with intelligence connections. It's as if they know that they are going to occur. Many if these journalists are conveniently at various other terror events as they occur.

Anyway, with these events they don’t even try to fake it very well. Most of the time people just lay on the ground without fake blood or anything. In larger events they'll strap on realistic moulage and use paraplegics willing to sign national security clauses.

Some might say:

you dont think they'd kill to get their way? That's so fucking optimistic. But also believable.

Sure, if it was necessary, but it’s not and would actually give them a lot of LEGAL headaches. Faking it is LEGAL under the Smith Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 utilizing perception management. Real victims mean real families who are genuinely pissed off and demand answers. Why deal with that when faking it is so much easier?

If you're unsure about how they could fake victims and their deaths. Look no further than Operation Northwoods. In the DoD doc. it proposes using mock victims and mock victim w/ multiple aliases (Orlando PULSE has used this same tactic) and family members w/ mock funerals to be broadcasted via television. That means hundreds of families involved, acting, and knowingly taking part in a deception campaign for money. This was in the 1960's.

Now, as for the Orlando PULSE night club shooting, I can write with assuredy that it was an exercise and that nobody died. It was an HSEEP hyper-active exercise with G4S running the script for the event. One other crisis management firm was involved in intentionally injecting conflicting narratives (puff pieces, injected drama) to create confusion so that researchers would be unable to make sense of anything.

These are tactics of perception management and they are used, particularly in staged drills passed off as real events.

Is it a coincidence that nearly all the witnesses and injured for the Orlando Shooting were criminals with high bonds? Is it a coincidence that many of the witnesses and shooter himself worked for G4S and were actors and actresses in Hollywood B-films; the alleged shooter acted in a documentary about an oil spill. Is it a coincidence that the other witnesses and injured interviewed happened to be asking for money and were in the red when it came to finances just prior to the alleged shooting? Is it a coincidence that the media: Fox News, CNN and every other corporate news network, regardless of political leaning all changed the witnesses names or added letters in order to confuse people on who these people really were. Though, it wasn't hard to find them, considering how egotistical and criminal they were. Is it a coincidence, that Norman Casiano, a man who was allegedly shot 4 times (twice in the chest, twice in the abdomen), and later told researchers he was shot 6 times, allegedly with a high powered rifle would be out of the hospital a few hours later, conducting interviews with new outlets, including Anderson Cooper. Of course he did not look like he was in pain, and on top of all these absurdities and there are many more, Mr. Casiano a week after the shooting shares a live facebook video of himself dancing and singing with his shirt off. Interestingly he deleted the video after people called him out. He had zero wounds from gun shots. The theme is always mockery and always money. Each one of the witnesses and injured put up a gofraudme account to garner money for their participation in the drill and to help for their lack of success in life. All traitors.

Role play services in hyper active exercises.

[–]Nero666 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

What would be the end goal of all this? To ban guns?

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

All these new accounts, asking all these questions and ignoring everything else I've said. It's almsot as if you're shills. Hasbara?

[–]Nero666 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

I honestly found this website linked on r/morbid_reality or whatever. Always wondered where WPD migrated. I made an account, clicked on this post. read your comment and commented. But now I see your a delusional cuk, Wait i think I already knew that...

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Okay, ad hominems much. Anyway have fun spewing ad

It's much more than thr banning of guns. I laied it out in another post on this post. If you take thr time to scroll.