

GreedeaterPizza Time[S] 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun 5 years ago

Heya JC, my time limit for subs is up. Could you PM me that list of subs you were after and I'll sort one out for ya? Can't backtracking in me inbox via app for some reason.

JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 5 years ago

Ya the history navigation here is excruciating.

First, because you're new, I would expect that you might want another one or few to make, so don't let me hold you back.

There'a s sudden onslaught of new subs, many of which could use the cautionary banner, but I guess these folks already know all about fringe content and NSFW so maybe my little bubblewrap efforts here were for naught.

I have an entirely new system of determining which subs I intend to make. This week it was pointed out that there are a bunch of subs that are similar while other topics completely missing. I then realized that I needed to separate my hopeful topics from the ones I could actually post to. So now I have bookmark folders counting posts that I have or will post in various topical subs.

I don't know if you want one of those, or if you want to play it safe with something like: Animals, Vehicles, or Sports.

Or more specific but not controversial: VideoEssays, MovieAnalysis, MovieReviews, MovieTrailers, Filmmaking_Screenwriting.

Or regional: Asia, Brazil, CentralAmerica, EU EuropeanUnion, Hollywood, Mexico, MiddleEast, Russia, SaudiArabia, SouthAmerica, UK UnitedKingdom, Vietnam, WallStreet, WashingtonDC

Someone mentioned /r/Gore and I don't think they were talking about Al. But if you want more hopeful stuff: Solutions, Openness, SharingEconomy, Fulfillment_WellBeing, Progressivism, GreenParty, LibertarianParty, Independents,

And these are the folders I was counting in just this week:

  • Animals
  • ArtificialIntelligence / Singularity
  • Banksters
  • Buddhism
  • ClassWar
  • Corporatocracy
  • DeepState_And_ShadowGov
  • Energy
  • HolisticDoctorMurders
  • HolocaustSkepticism
  • Justice / Law / Laws_OfThe_Land / Legal / RiggedSystems
  • MilitaryIndustrialComplx
  • MindControl
  • MovieAnalysis
  • MovieReviews
  • MovieTrailers
  • OpenScience_vs_Scientism (GeoEngineering, Technocracy, VaccineSkepticism)
  • RacialDivisionIsEliteTool (1 may need a better name <24 char max)
  • RiggedSystems
  • PrisonIndustrialComplex
  • Sex (- sex issues are usually common though)
  • Solutions (DIYHome_Garden, FightElitesNotEachOther, OpenScience, UniversalBasicIncome, WeDoNotConsent, WorkerCoops)
  • Technocracy
  • Wahhabism
  • WorldHistory
  • Zionism

  • Asia
  • Brazil
  • CentralAmerica
  • Colombia
  • EuropeanUnion EU
  • Hollywood
  • Mexico
  • MiddleEast
  • Russia
  • SaudiArabia
  • SouthAmerica
  • Vietnam
  • WallStreet
  • WashingtonDC

More in my big fat lists: moved the big fat lists to /s/SaidIt/wiki/SubsaiditContenders

GreedeaterPizza Time[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun 5 years ago

Shit sorry mate, IRL got real hectic for me for a bit... My job kinda exploded with activity haha!

I'm Gunna go through your list tonight if I can, pick out a few to start up and pass the reins over so keep an eye out eh?

JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 5 years ago

No sweat man.

I'm getting grief for having too many subs. I'm not even moderating any of them. I'm just making them and folks are shitting on me for having them. They complain but don't do or make anything. Whatever. Free speech right? Their opinions are valued on a sentence by sentence basis on the merit of their ideas.

I don't need any more subs, but I won't say no if you make any of those in the updated lists above. I'd be fine adding my more readable CSS if you want it and I can make a banner for it. My CSS is almost finished, I need one more day on a few loose ends. Then when it's all done and I'll un-mod myself.

You can wait longer or you can skip it entirely and consider it a gift. Up to you.