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[–]sadist_perv 11 insightful - 7 fun11 insightful - 6 fun12 insightful - 7 fun -  (3 children)

dont you fucking dare call 911 if something bad happens to a member of your family you fucking hypocrite

[–]Finna 11 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

You've been fed so much misinformation in your echo chambers you do not know what "defund" the police actually means. Or you do, and you don't care and would rather live in your own fantasy world to keep attacking your political "rivals" for issues that do not exist. Seek professional mental help, please.

[–]rational_thought 5 insightful - 5 fun5 insightful - 4 fun6 insightful - 5 fun -  (1 child)

Uh, you're living in that same fantasy land if you think the majority of people pushing the ACAB / Defund the Police narrative are just looking for reform that would see certain calls regarding mental health be handled by social workers and that law enforcement undergoes improved training for certain scenarios.

If you are a direct threat to other individuals, including law enforcement, then you 'can' be killed. It isn't race that influences that series of events to unfold in the vast majority of cases, but rather behavioral and reactionary drivers. It's a toxic cultural upbringing that breeds civil disobedience because of historical racism, outlier cases of brutality, and it continues to be placed upon the next generation(s) of minority groups [specifically black Americans] through propaganda and misinformation.

The far-left has managed to direct the scope of criticism to the people that put their lives on the line every single day, rather than using their own platforms to address the real issues that are continually leading to poor outcomes for a large number of minorities.

1) Destruction of the 'nuclear family' and the importance of having a stable home and parental structure in child development. We're seeing this in full-force with the generations to this day that are seeing the negative outcomes that came from their parents and their parents' parents being imprisoned for possession of Marijuana, and even other narcotics. Let's not forget Mr. Joe was responsible for the very laws that saw increases to law enforcement, as well as creating the 3-strike rule and other 'prejudiced' laws that sought to enforce criminality only when it involved those that were less priviledged (e.g. Crack cocaine penalties extremely high, while powdered cocaine was a slap on the wrist [more expensive, less accessible to minorities] ... ironic also because his son smokes crack )

2) Critical Race Theory and the continual push to teach minorities that their path to success is hindered by their skin color, rather than the choices they make and more importantly that their parents' made (socioeconomic level, parent's education level, both drivers of increased outcomes for children)

3) Glorifying violence, hate, sexism and 'street culture' through music and film

4) Pushing for a system that would financially incentivize societal inefficiencies, which includes a 'Universal Basic Income' that would evidently be used as a framework to not lift up those that are disenfranchised but further breed generational victimization and compliance with a system that feeds and assigns 'privileges' to its citizens (e.g. Mandatory vaccines required to access public services, Selective Service obligatory to utilize federal benefits, and a wide-spread of civil intrusions that we've seen implemented in Communist China)

5) Not emphasizing the importance of the 'right to bear arms' amidst minority communities

6) Not emphasizing the importance of 'owning' versus 'renting' a home, which in return often has left minorities with zero upward mobility

7) Not enabling diversity, as we see in more gentrified and re-developed areas that not only bring a mixture of socioeconomic levels within a community but also improve areas, the services available (e.g. Public transportation quality, law enforcement quality, public amenities such as parks and gathering areas) -- the media and journalistic approach would rather scrutinize real estate developments' impact on rising property values, but when coupled with minority ownership in property this translates to significant upward mobility. Let's not forget that developers are the provider of one of the most impactful sources of tax revenue = property taxes // and in order to increase the quality of disenfranchised areas, you literally have to provide the means for higher income households to move into those communities and bring not only their respective income to spend in those communities, but also their income tax as well as the taxes that are being spent on those mid to high rise apartments, offices and condominiums. There are already solutions that require these new developments to include affordable housing at lower rates, and obviously that's an area for improvement with additional policies that incentivize developers to prioritize their efforts and inclusivity.

8) Not emphasizing the importance of teaching our youth what taxes are, different means of growing wealth [real estate, stock market, index funds] and other important life skills and lessons that hinder those that find themselves without the resources that more affluent individuals have at learning new things (e.g. Computers, smartphones, financial means of purchasing learning materials)

This begs the question as to where might be the best area of improvement for outcomes that would reduce the # of instances where individuals are led to a point in their life where they are killed by law enforcement, or a gang for that matter ( yes, black-on-black crime is far more relevant and harmful )

It's education. The education system in the United States is horrendous, and that is the product of the standardization of learning outcomes and testing that isn't dynamic to each community, nor to each individual within it. Education shouldn't be handled by the federal government. Standardization is hurtful to communities that could benefit on more focused teachings and acceptance of other prospective possibilities for student outcomes that doesn't directly lead to employment within the federal/state government nor with a transition to a secondary institution that would bring on more debt [debt-slavery] when higher outcomes are shown with those that taken on trade schools and more practical skills that offer job security and income security.

School choice is an important component of this, and Trump was a vocal supporter of this. Not allowing individuals to have access to better schools, even when they are outside of their community [based on boundary lines, not distance] is modern-day segregation and doesn't speak to what this country should be standing for [freedom]

Affirmative action continues to perpetuate falsehoods and actually marginalize other minorities, and whites, which is using a systemic form of racism to answer past instances of 'racism' -- that doesn't sound like progress to me.

Is the initial guy retarded for his comment that unnecessarily brought up law enforcement in an isolated incident where a crazy person murdered someone? I'd absolutely say so, but then again I think it was meant more to stir up a little bit of a laugh. You're the one that escalated it into a political conversation, and if you're the person that will continue to live your life following the mainstream narratives... then I would advise you to seek professional mental help, albeit out of your own free will!

[–]Sylexis 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This motherfucker really wrote a whole book like someone is going to read it lmao. Get a life bro please.