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[–][deleted]  (5 children)


    [–]WhiteGirlsGetRiced 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    Learn to use a toilet shitskin. Jai Hind Shitdia lmao.

    [–]WhiteGirlsGetRiced 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

    Meiyang Chang a Chinese actor is super famous in India the heart of the stinky shitskin Indian race and dated Monali Thakur who is above average in India. I know they broke up but it shouldn't be too hard for Meiyang to find another Indian hottie.

    The Chinese, who make up most of the chinky race, are like the biggest cucks to bronze/South Asian men everywhere from Singapore and Malaysia to THEIR OWN MOTHERLAND (lmao).

    We don't consider Malaysia and Singapore to be our "homelands" because we aren't indigenous to those countries you fucking imbecile. We never really considered them to be our countries either because they have no real ethnic identities.

    "In Trinidad, some Chinese men had sexual relations Indian coolie women, siring children with them, and it was reported that "A few children are to be met with born of Madras and Creole parents and some also of Madras and Chinese parents – the Madrasee being the mother", by the missionary John Morton in 1876, Morton noted that it seemed strange since there were more Indian coolie men than Indian coolie women that Indian coolie women would marry Chinese men, but claimed it was most likely because the Chinese could provide amenities to the women since the Chinese owned shops and they were enticed by these.[90][91][92][93][94] Indian women were married by indentured Chinese men in Trinidad.[95] Few Chinese women migrated to Trinidad while the majority of Chinese migrants were men.[96] The migration of Chinese to Trinidad resulted in intermarriage between them and others.[97] Chinese in Trinidad became relatively open to having marital relations with other races and Indian women began having families with Chinese in the 1890s.[98]"

    Damn BRUTAL for you but a BASED Goldpill for us. Even in Trinidad where there were MORE Indian men than Chinese men, Indian women still chose us over you. Talk about getting CUCKED big time. In places like Trinidad, Suriname, Guyana, and Mauritius AMIF outnumbers IMAF.

    Korean "men", who are generally considered to be the best that the chinky race has to offer, also get cucked by us big time.

    Given the emerging trend of Indian women traveling and moving to South Korea and dating Korean men I'm not sure how they are getting "cucked" by you guys lmao. Check out this super sexy Indian celebrity who is also decently famous Sakshma giggling and turning red in this interview. She already swoons over the BTS boys. Don't get mad at us because your women find us HOT.

    A CHINESE BEAUTY PAGEANT FINALIST (i.e. one of the most beautiful Chinese women objectively speaking, as measured by her high ranking in her country's beauty contest) married an Indian man.

    Judges can say whatever they want but she isn't the "MOST BEAUTIFUL" by any means. You are a delusional poojeet. Check this guy out. Yan Law is a product of a Chinese man and Indian woman who is a professional football coach. Even in India where arranged marriage, caste system, and marrying in your own culture is still the norm, this below-average Chinese man still managed to find and breed an attractive Indian woman like her.

    The Mongols only conquered the Subcontinent by employing divide-and-conquer tactics, not by "kicking our ass" using their own might, although they did have a tendency to marry off their princesses to the male leaders of the people they conquered (common historical knowledge).

    You do realize the Mughal Empire were descended from Turks who were originally "Mongoloid-looking" and from present-day Mongolia. So yeah we still conquered you even though the Mongol Empire didn't.

    Pakistani chadpreets are taking revenge against chinki "men" for trafficking Pakistani women to escape their self-imposed inceldom (caused by the one child policy).

    Except Chinese men aren't "trafficking" Pakistani women. You're just MEGACOPING and making shit up. India and Pakistan aren't the best friends and Indians love to spread false propaganda about China and Pakistan. I know being Indian you have zero concept of marrying for love given you guys arrange marriages which is funny given that even with that you guys still can't escape inceldom (Sky-high rape statistics in India and creepy shitskin Indudes spamming "bobs and vagene" "fuck" at every hot girl they see on Instagram). It takes two people to marry if they marry for love and the Pakistani women are consenting. Just take a look at how this hot Pakistani woman describes how she first met her Chinese husband in a mosque. Nothing about what she said sounds like she was coerced into it.

    Also the One-Child Policy doesn't make Chinese men incels in fact it has the opposite effect in that Chinese men have a greater opportunity to marry women from other neighboring countries like India and Pakistan. You should talk about your own country where femicide is legal and an overcrowded population full of creepy rapist shitskins. Who will want you guys? You really are a retarded poojeet lmao.

    BONUS: (Foreigners in China: What do beautiful women from Pakistan think of Chinese men? Frankly speaking, he wants to marry in China! Because Chinese men are handsome) Again the Pakistani woman in this video genuinely looks like she likes Chinese men. Nothing screams "trafficking" you poojeetcel.

    BONUS: (An Indian beauty married in a rural area in Hubei but refused to go home for five years after marriage. She made netizens laugh by telling her the reason!)

    BONUS: Average broke Chinese man and his goddess Nepali girlfriend.

    BONUS: (A 20-year-old Indian girl marries an Anhui farmer and lives a happy life after marriage. Her biggest wish is for her younger sister to marry too.)

    BONUS: (The beautiful Indian woman did not believe that her sister would be happy if she married in China. When she came to China, she wanted to stay.)

    BONUS: (An Indian girl wants to marry in China. Her family dislikes China's backwardness and rushes to stop her, but in the end they don't want to leave.)

    BONUS: (A 21-year-old Indian girl married a Sichuan boy. Five years later, when she returned to her parents' home, her mother asked: Are you my daughter?).

    I wonder why so many Indian women are MOVING to China to live and work and REFUSING to return to India. Must because India is full of creepy subhuman stinky poojeetcels like you who rub cow poop on themselves, stalk and grope women, shit in the streets, and beat their wives.

    Just be Indian is law.

    LMAO WTF? "Just Be Indian is law?" That is probably the MOST DELUSIONAL AND PATHETIC thing I've read on the Internet. If "Just Be Indian" is law why are you constantly making cope accounts and brigading our subs? Shouldn't you be out there getting tons of women left and right and not online in your mommy's basement raging at Asian men? Just food for thought. If "Just Be Indian" was law why do you "men" still spam "bobs and vagene" and "wanna fuck" on Instagram? Clearly it isn't a "law" and just your pathetic fantasy.

    Also funny how you bring up human genetics that explains why you share the same incel behavior as Caucasian men.

    Insulting the women in my examples just screams sour grapes.

    Not really insulting just saying it as it is. Also I never actually "insulted" them once only called them "average." Your 24/7 obsession over our subreddit and our existence as a whole just screams that you are a SOUR LOSER and wish you were Asian but sadly aren't.

    u/TwerKing is right, your examples don't trigger us nor did it last time. You're trying so hard and failing each time. I'm willing to bet you cry yourself to sleep every night hating us Asian Men and wishing you were Asian.

    [–]TwerKing[S] 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    Those desi chicks are beautiful, especially the link of nepali gurls with broke chinese boifriends from a small village. They're real beauty queens. Holy cow!!

    Edit: Chinese men are fortunate to be in close proximity to pakistan, russia, india, and nepal for all the sexy xfs.

    [–]TwerKing[S] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    To: bronzer@per2390322

    Meh, most of your examples still suck and the very few that seem to be noice and fit your narrative are the exceptions, not the rule. Yawwwwnns

    Edit: I could easily outslay you at pulling prettier gurls in china and india.