



  1. When submitting screenshots, provide FULL CONTEXT. This means no cherrypicking single paragraphs or just showing the headline. Screenshot the entire fucking post, please.

  2. No old screenshots that have already been floating around the internet forever. You know the ones that have been reposted so much that you can see the JPEG artifacts practically jumping out the screen? Yeah, they've probably already been posted here at least 10 times.

  3. If you are posting content from a private social network such as Facebook, you must screenshot it and censor all names and other personal information. The only exception is if it's a post on a verified celebrity's public Facebook, Twitter, etc page, which will have a blue checkmark next to the name.

Put simply, it's to avoid giving these clickbait shitholes traffic and ad revenue. These sites generate money for each visitor they receive, and often use sensationalist headlines or leads to generate traffic. This is called "clickbaiting," and it's basically traffic-whoring, since an enticing title means more visits, and a quick paycheck. Some of these links can be a good source of social justice bullshit, so we're allowing them to be submitted as a screenshot or web archive, to prevent them from generating any more revenue from TiA traffic. Last thing we want is for them to be laughing all the way to the bank.

How do I screenshot a full webpage (without having a massive 4k screen)?

Snapito online screenshot tool. Generally reliable for high quality screenshots but doesn't work for some sites.

Alternatively, try Web Capture. It works for the most part.

Note that online tools will not work for sites which have popup ads. Instead, the screenshot or archive you generate will be of the popup. The solution is to use a browser extension and uBlock Origin (or AdBlock Plus or whatever).

On Chrome or Chromium - Fireshot for Chrome can be used instead but it is Windows only and the quality is lower. Be wary of some third party screenshot extensions as they often contain spyware and adware.

Firefox actually has this functionality built in!

if you are on firefox, you can go to tools -> webdeveloper -> developer toolbar. on the bar that shows on the [bottom] of the browser, you type "screenshot --fullpage" and it will go to your Downloads folder

Imgur also has official extensions for both Chrome/Chromium and Firefox.

How do I create my own archive?

Archive.today is the primary site we use. All you have to do is paste your URL in and share the resulting archive page and you too can harness this power.

You can also use the Evernote extension for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and IE if you have an Evernote account. Select the option to copy the whole page and it will generate an archive you can share.

But what about YouTube? It's not on the list above.

Sorry, but videos are banned full stop, and you can't post a screenshot of a video, so just don't bother.