reluctant_commenter 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun 6 months ago

It seems like there's a lot of pressure for bi men/boys to say that they are gay, and a lot of pressure for bi women/girls to say that they are straight. Either way, attraction to men is prioritized.

I'm kinda surprised there aren't more commenters on that post pointing out this pattern because it seems so ubiquitous. Then again, IIRC that subreddit got taken over and majorly censored a while ago, so maybe the real ones have already moved on.

And no, "trans pussy" can't turn you straight 🙄 if you're into both men and women then you were always bi... I wish people were more open to the possibility that they might have learned something new about themselves and it's ok to have been wrong at first, rather than assuming something mistaken about the entire nature of sexual orientation.