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[–]zyxzevn[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Greyzone is a bit late on the party. But they are pretty lefty.

The Ukraine firm Crowdstrike that worked together with the DNC, and have been pushing a wrong narrative from the start.
This narrative is still inside the Mueller report, and is being used to push certain politics.

They are still pushing the narrative that it "might be possible, but no evidence". The Techniques and Tactics are common with ALL hackers, and not with one agency. From wikileaks we also know that agencies often simulate other agencies to create false flags. I suspect that "gucciefer2" is a false flag placed by DNC to divert the attention.

But if you look deeper into the matter, there is clear evidence for LEAKING of data via an USB-stick. And this has likely been done by Seth Rich. But the research has been covered up by the Federal Bureau of Investigations Cover-ups.

The emails themselves were about clear illegal political actions by the DNC. Pay-to-play and such, are still illegal. They were never denied of their validity.

And notice how these were never followed-up on, even by Trump. A lot of people should have been put in prison.