

SnowAssMan[S] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun 2 years ago

"Three, three three" – if the "go for it" reply gets 10 insightful points, then that's more than three. When it comes to replies that most GC people that frequent this forum up-vote, 10 is as high a number as you can expect. Nice gas-lighting attempt though.

Your first reply here was: "Have you done it? Have you changed your markers on your ID?" Basically trying to expose my supposed hypocrisy. But now you're suggesting that it's irrelevant whether I do it or not, since I'm not female. I'm okay with women doing it & you guys are okay with men doing it. Either both sides are hypocrites, or neither side is. So which is it? Either way you've got to back-pedal.

Omina_SentenziosaSarcastic Ovalord 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun 2 years ago

if the "go for it" reply gets 10 insightful points, then that's more than three.

Yeah, it' s 11, which is still a ridicoulous number to imply that you had huge support, and it still doesn' t change the fact that unanimous means "complete", and you didn' t have it and that the "support" you received on that thread was for something different than what you are talking about here.

Nice gas-lighting attempt though.

LOL, ok. I am totally gaslighting you by pointing out that a very small number of people agreeing to a question and then disagreeing to a different question is a perfectly legitimate position to have.

On the other hand, you 1) asked two different questions and pretended that the answer you received were to the same question, 2) said you had unanimous support when 1/3 of the people who answered actually didn' t show support, 3) talked as if 12 people were proof that you have huge support.

But I am the one who' s lying and "gaslighting"... 🙄

But now you're suggesting that it's irrelevant whether I do it or not, since I'm not female.

I didn' t know you were a man, and I don' t really care. The result of you setting in motion your "brilliant" plan is the same, and that is that it' s not going to bring any changes. If you' re a woman doing it, it won' t amount to anything because you won' t be listened to and you won' t get many benefits. If you' re a man doing it, you will just be another dude who "identifies" as a woman. Doing it to troll won' t change the fact that you will behave in the same way as all the other men who identify as women, you will just use "BUT I AM DOING IT FOR YOUR SAKE!" as an excuse.

I'm okay with women doing it & you guys are okay with men doing it. Either both sides are hypocrites, or neither side is. So which is it?

I don' t see why that is the case. Posters in this thread have already explained to you why they think your idea is ridioulous and they won' t participate, the fact that you don' t like those answers means absolutely nothing. Those are the answers, you can whine about it all you want, it' s not going to change a thing.

Either way you've got to back-pedal.

I don' t see why I should do that and I won' t. My position on this is "Do what you want since you will do it anyway, but I find the idea stupid and I don' t think it will amount to anything". There' s nothing hypocritical in it and considering that the vibe I got from those "unanimous support" comments you received were that the women in that thread thought "Meh, whatever, if it works great, otherwise things won' t change much from now." and not the "OMG, YOU' RE SO BRILLIANT! YOU' RE GOING TO SAVE FEMINISM AND WOMEN!!!!!!!!" you seem to read into their words, I don' t think there' s anything hypocritical in them either.