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[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I get why people around here go racefem. There definitely are valid criticisms of White women, but some non-White BPF seem to have an irrational vendetta. I was a racefem once. It's another blackpill, White women are "valued" more than non-White women by y-chromot*rds, but non-White women turn on women instead of the rape apes who created this execrable dynamic. Racism by women is a total cope anyway. "The race of moid I have been around all my life suck, is [race of moid I am not familiar with] better and less misogynistic?" Now this is a thought that women of all races share. You want to believe that misogyny is more significant in one race of moid, and you can simply avoid it by joining another community. Stop bargaining. Stop denying the truth. They're all like that. I've been around White nyggers all my life. They don't care about women's reproductive rights, rape, professional and educational equity, or legal autonomy. They wouldn't mind Islam only for women. The only thing stopping them from joining Islam is that there are also autistic rules for moids.

I began resenting White women too, but because of the pandering to non-White moids. You claim you are fighting for the rights of non-White women when you squeal about racism, but I think you just have a pooskin boyfriend and maybe some pooskin sons.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

And furthermore, it is understandable that the same women who gravitate towards BPF might also become entangled in some third-positionist/NRx-type/esoteric racist nonsense because of the aristocratic beliefs those philosophies necessitate. In a functional world there would be a ruling caste of divinely-cognizant female separatists overseeing their NPC pick-me servants while all traces of nyggers have been completely obliterated. I am a liberal at heart. It is only through understanding the status quo that I realize that aristocracy is morally necessary as long as certain types of people exist.

Liberalism, individualism, and associated belief systems are only possible in a world where there are only female separatists who always opposed androcentrism.

Actually, the real reason why no political ideology truly functions is because the vast majority of humanity are scum (= nyggers and pick-mes). Only gynofascists can successfully operate a communist, anarchist, or whatever society. A world where nyggers and pick-mes exist will always be destined for iniquity no matter what policies are instituted.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What would a female fascism look like? Definitely not what the average racefem wishes to implement. Fascism/Ur-fascism has historically not been based upon a coherent belief system. But can a solution to a political issue be rationally devised before the problem manifests? Resistance must be spontaneous in a continuously evolving political paradigm.

To be clear, I don't idealize the past and it's pretty obvious it sucked eggs. But there was a juncture in time when all the misery that ensued could have been averted. There was a moment in our evolutionary trajectory where it was not certain that xys had to exist. A female-only mammalian species could have evolved. 6ual reproduction doesn't even have to involve penetration so even if bussies were to exist, the continuation of our species could have been a less abominable process.

A fascism for women is not becoming some basement-dweller's broodmare. Historical forms of fascism promises a return to a halcyon past while glorifying the future.

I propose that gynofascism is the project of mending continuity between the past and the future. Androcentrism is our Dark Ages. It is our task to mend the trajectory of human evolution and cultural progress where it failed.

Paradigms like androcentrism and slavery are always inhibited from following the ideas that rule them to their logical conclusion (unlike genocide). You loathe a populace to the point where it would be ideologically coherent to exterminate them, but your existence cannot continue without their exploitation. You fabricate hatred as the reason why they must be exploited, but that hatred in itself will mutate into extermination if not curtailed. Like capitalism and any other system of subjugation, androcentrism also results in a plenitude of moral contradictions. There are inconsistencies to be capitalized upon. Gynofascist acceleration is possible.

There is no more synthesis under androcentrism, only stultification and degeneracy. It is simply a stale repetition of itself. Only gynofascism can advance our species, and that can only be done by picking up where evolution failed. The future can only be ours. All progress under androcentrism is false. "Nostalgia" is the emperor pretending to wear clothes. We are culturally stuck. Film, visual arts, fashion, etc. has not progressed at all during my lifetime. I am a 90s kid. Identified as a 90s kid, because subsequent decades consist of increasing cultural rot. Vaporwave is a more explicit product of our cultural inertia. (Now I remember some pseudo-intellectual telling me that they felt that "vaporwave is trying to say something ontologically but I don't know what". Of course they didn't.)