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[–]Dontcry2me 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Biology, honestly. The masochism is innate and inborn. I know because I believe I've been born with it too, but the difference is that I don't indulge.

[–]hellonearth 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Isn't it tragic? like... also why does no one sees this besides me, only a few women are blackpilled and even radfems are idiots who are extremely unaware of some blackpills also very naive and will make you shut up when you talk about some brutal blackpills its like theyir brains cant accept that, like even radfems they are typical dumb females and it's impossible to blackpill them. Its literally impossible , maybe for a few days but then they will go back to being idiots again, stupid female minds. This is horrible. This is fucking horrible. It's literally fucking impossible to awaken women. I'm legit getting paranoid and traumatized because of this lmao cause when i look around me, everything seems so ridiculous. Most women go their whole lives being masochist dumb pickmes who are unaware of so much shit and honesly maybe if most women were blackpilled then they would just commit suicides because it would be to hard to live. Its like we are made to be retards and our brains just ignore the blackpill. When i was younger i thought that all people get smarter with age but all the odler women i know are pcikmes retards. Its fucking natural and its tragic . women are fucking clowns who are so easily fooled and played and take suffering with a smile on their faces like retard masochists and they are ok with it, they are wired to like it. Women cant win they always loose and have to sacrifice something, there are 1000000x more disadventages and painful things to being a woman that actual enjoyable things, no matter how many mental gymastics you do it's impossible to make this life as a woman being enjoyable unless you are a pickme, it fees like a torture and its impossible that it will not end alup tragic and you will not end up dissapointed. You are pressured to submit and be a masochist pickme and most women are somehow ok with that, its like thwley are not awakened . they are ok with life while from my perspective being a woman is terrifying and when i look at other women lives i get anxiety and pain in my chest like... why i was subjected to this shit.... and why i had to awaken to the balckpill ... Most women are so unaware it makes me go crazy, i feel like puking, they are such a stupid clowns who are ok with pain and being retarded... And its natural.....