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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

If you don't mind me asking, what type of man do you find attractive in terms of looks?

I'm bi and though I prefer to be alone, I do find well-built and well-dressed men to be attractive, as well as men with handsome faces. Bonus points if he has nice hair lol.

I remember a post on pinkpillfeminism where a woman pointed out that men are only truly attractive with one body type, while women can be attractive or presentable with any body type, as long as its not an unhealthy extreme such as obesity or undernourishment. There are women who are attractive whether they're slim, curvy, skinny, fat, petite, tall, or somewhere in between. Men, however, only look really good when they stay in shape or have an active build. I agree with this poster. I don't think scrawny men, fat men, couch potato men, or men with "dadbods" are physically attractive. It's also easier for able-bodied men to lose fat and build muscle in comparison to women, so they have no excuse. It doesn't mean they have to be over-the-top roided muscular, but even wanting a guy to be in-shape is considered asking for "too much."

I will never, ever understand why the hell a woman would want to risk her life messing around with an ugly man. If its for the money or clout, she can get that with an attractive rich or famous man too.

Men don't consider unattractive women to be human, yet women are expected to give ugly men a chance if he has something else going for him, such as money or personality. Even in a shallow, casual hook up culture, some women still waste their time on scraggly or goblin-looking guys.

Edit: To add on, I see a lot of straight girls going crazy for male Kpop idols. I think there are a lot of straight girls and women out there who are very visual. Men in Kpop dress well, have nice hair, wear makeup, and have a 'pretty boy' look with fit and in-shape body types. I know the industry is far from healthy (and men are shitty everywhere), but it's an indicator that straight women do openly care about visuals, when they're not shamed for it.

[–]kt0998 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I don't have one specific type. I think skinny can be cute if a guy is young and has nice boyish look , but overall yes, men need some muscle and pretty low fat percentage to look at all attractive. Fat especially destroys all attractiveness in a guy since it makes him look soft and attractive features in men are all about sharp angles, whether it's a skinny model or body builder. I've never been into old guys, the "fine wine" crap is just bs, women find older men attractive due to the increase in social status and money, men's looks go down hard after 25, more so than women because men do nothing to take care of themselves. 90% of men are zero effort slobs and would look much better if they gave a damn, but they hate the idea of having to please a woman like that. This is why even male Hollywood stars choose to look like hobos with awful beards and looking like they smell, because men want every woman to lust for them but HATE the idea of having to make any effort or being a visual sex object, who is under constant gaze and evaluation by women. They know it sucks and they hate it.

I like beautiful faces, slightly androgynous but still boyish/masculine. I enjoy looking at classical paintings with beautiful men or fashion editorials. One reason why it's easy for me as a hetero woman to be celibate is that my visual standards are too high lol. Yes, women will fuck ugly men who suck at sex and don't even get an orgasm out of it. Reading women's stories about their gross Tinder hook-ups where they let some dirty unemployed stoner use them as sex toy makes me cringe so hard. They always write these stories like they are universally relatable to all women, it drives me crazy. Kpop fandoms and other boyband fandoms are interesting because teenage girls do have visual standards but when they grow up, this seems to change for majority. I suspect most women's priorities change when they mature and they start to chase the "provider" (successful genes/resources for child). Korea also does seem to have slightly different culture where men are expected to groom themselves and you don't see as much beautiful women paired with fugly dudes in their media (from what I've seen).

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]Iknowitstrue[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    My teen frind is dating a bald 37yo with dad body and calls him daddy.. So.. Men live on easy mode