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[–]Iknowitstrue[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The more comments i read on that sub the more my brain is getting fried... I need to stop... Those pickmes comments abouy how much fucking effort they make to please their scotes the millions techniques outfits scenerios and ways their serve their male pigs, how much they give those men that dont deserve it probably its just makes me think that men would never make this much effort they would never reciprocate idk wtf is worng with those pickmes its like they are brainwashed and conditioned to submit and please men like they bond with men and think that women supposed to just sexualize themselves wear sexy clothes lingerie,(lingerie is gross btw) and make themselves into fuck toys and please thwir men like pornstars and get pleasurw out of it... But they do not realize that thwy serve the patriarchy and make it worse for smart mentally healthy non submissive women who dont like being degraded or dont like being sexualized and be cocksuckers