The Indus Pink Dolphin.(
Jan 6th video of John Earle Sullivan inside the capital that I've not seen before(
Consoom Windmills(
Department of Jewland Security(
Huge Supporter of Ireland(
Thanks! I hate it!(
So everything is a lie(
German > Trans kids(
ZOG Uniparty Movement(
"Oy vey, why do those antisemites at the Red Cross continue to dispute our propaganda?"(
Difficulty coping with passing(
Climate Fraud by Michael Mann in one graph(
Yes, it do(
Two Things(
Israel needs a $100 from each of you, goys!(
NEW PAPER: Forensic analysis of the 38 subject deaths in the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial [via](
"But they don't follow the Talmud!" #2(
"But they don't follow the Talmud!" A valuable image to show normies at this time.(
Fuck the Military(