What are the chances the whole thing was staged?
Go somewhere else for that
The war started long time ago
Fox news is like any news that's comes out of China: timed, controlled and censored. Anyone got a list of "real news" sources?
The question was about the good old days and my response was recalling my childhood- (delinquent) adolescent years which were the 80s and 90s. I should have added more details.
Its a little tricky not to use the internet these days.
No internet, calling my friends faggot, and riding bikes
Hitler was right
Such antisemitic
He also says nukes dont exist which seems plausible
I'm on a google pixel 4a running calyxos on a bromite browser, bro
We need to start dropping names like Robert F Kennedy, tulsi gabbard, tucker carlson. These guys seem to be the control.
I was starting to get this impression from some of these people that I occasionally tune in to such as Dennis pregar, Ben shaprio, and Robert Scott Bell just to name a few
Covid end game(files.catbox.moe)
Something tells me that a group of people (or whatever) hijacked the original Jews and turned it into what it is today.
There seems to be a history from this group of people that severely hinders humanity.
I think the plan is to have people turn against the media and governments which would increase violence. Then that's how they bring in foreign military and new world order. This time article is the start of that.
Great content from red ice as usual.
LA Times? Lol. "It’s a beautifully designed car with no carbon emission..." Wait until John finds out how much emmisions it takes to harvest materials for those batteries. This crap belongs on reddit
Its all fake. Humans are monkeys in a zoo
Surprised he hasn't gone down the Holocaust hoax road
As if it were scripted
How about those long term effects studies?
I think the plan is to have people turn against and start fighting the government and that's how they bring in their one world government. Like how they did with those videos from china of the virus circa march 2020