

LesbianOutlaw 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

thinking the progressives have any power in the Democratic Party

Galaxy brain take right here

america_first_1776 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

Only the antiwhite ones. So all of the progressive Democrats, all of the corporate Democrats, and the vast majority of the Republicans.

LesbianOutlaw 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

How the hell are the progressive Democrats anti-white? They’re the ones in favor of student loan forgiveness and universal healthcare. That’s a big handout to white people right there.

Blacks aren’t the ones with giant student loan debt. Blacks are also the poorest demographic, so they already get good government-provided healthcare. Medicaid covers EVERYTHING. No co-pays. No charge for prescriptions. No charge for riding in an ambulance. No charge for vision or dental care. Free blood work, X-rays, you name it.

It’s middle class whites who are getting fucked over with our garbage healthcare system. They’re the ones who have to pay thousands of dollars annually for some privatized garbage that doesn’t even cover anything.

Progressive Democrats want want middle class white people to be able to get the same good government healthcare that poor black people get.

america_first_1776 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

How the hell are the progressive Democrats anti-white?

Joe Biden, the Democratic Nominee for POTUS stated that it was a source of strength for the United States to bring in an "unrelenting stream of immigration" that would make "Caucasians like me" the minority, and that would be a "good thing." I'm not making this shit up. Here is the video. He also wants his healthcare plan, which is essentially "free," to cover illegal aliens

The Democrats most popular congresswoman, AOC, stated that "white American" should pay reparations to blacks

In 2016, jewish Maine Democratic Senate Candidate joked about white men committing suicide at high numbers, to which his audience responded with chants of stupid laughter

In the 2016 Democratic Presidential Debate, jewish candidate Bernie Sanders stated that if you're white, "you don't know what it's like to be poor."

There are soooooo many more anti-white statements I could point to that have never faced any sort of backlash from the Democratic Party, but I don't have all day. I have to get back to work. And I didn't even get into all the anti-white instances of terror done by BLM, which is almost unanimously supported by the Democratic Party.

Van Jones, a black Democratic talking head on CNN, claimed that all whites have a "virus" in their brain.

They’re the ones in favor of student loan forgiveness and universal healthcare. That’s a big handout to white people right there.

Those were pipe dreams and literally the only application of those pipe-dreams has been universal healthcare... FOR BLACKS ONLY. Look at what just happened in Kentucky for instance

Blacks aren’t the ones with giant student loan debt.

No fucking shit. They get into the best universities with like 3.0 gpas AND are more likely to get full ride scholarships for just being fucking black.

Blacks are also the poorest demographic, so they already get good government-provided healthcare. Medicaid covers EVERYTHING. No co-pays. No charge for prescriptions. No charge for riding in an ambulance. No charge for vision or dental care. Free blood work, X-rays, you name it.

Once again... look at the PRACTICAL APPLICATION of these policies. Look even at the most "progressive" state of California. It's still whites paying the bulk cost of everything health care related while blacks and mestizos get everything for free.

It’s middle class whites who are getting fucked over with our garbage healthcare system. They’re the ones who have to pay thousands of dollars annually for some privatized garbage that doesn’t even cover anything.

Okay... we seem to agree on a lot of things, but let me ask you... can you name me ONE country that wasn't majority white or majority asian that has had successful universal healthcare?