

HurricaneHank 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun 5 years ago

Welp, I guess outside assistance was what they got

Ugh :-( Yah... these days there seems to be a lot of cooperation between the countries doing this, who all want broadly the same kind of censorship powers over the net. They can request that the other ones help them. I'm sure they got a lot of help from the USA, and maybe the EU too.

The problem of course, is that people who are NOT extremists, racists, alt-right or alt-left, but just normal everyday people who dislike censorship, we get pushed into the fringes too and then it's easy to lump us together with the kind of extremist elements who go shoot up mosques. We get branded with the same iron, whether we deserve it or not, simply because of the encroachment of society-wide censorship of the normal social spaces.

Troll 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun 5 years ago

Remember /r/coontown on reddit? My intention with that (as one of its founders) was to have it banned for what it said and not what it did, which was a huge success. It was to have guys like you see what the left really is about.

In the announcement thread for its banning, I suspect reddit went back to it months or years and edited the vote totals to hide the comments of people who were upset with the censorship.

Of course, having people aware of black crime statistics, even in a crude manner, was useful too.

AschTheConjurer 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun 5 years ago

New Zealand's GCSB and cyber intelligence departments are functions of the Five Eyes network, so unfortunately our infrastructure has been complicit in finding things to censor in all manner of other countries.

Speaking of censorship of the net, I've tried having a look into a couple websites I've seen mentioned here, namely BitChute and ZeroHedge, and both of those sites are "forcibly closing" connections.

Are they only accessible through VPNs or through an onion browser normally, something along those lines? Or is there something suspicious going on here?

EDIT: Also, yes, New Zealand's generally individualistic form of politics doesn't mesh well with the Americanized left-right black-white outlook. When we disagree on things politically, people become each other's enemies almost instantly. Case in point, I commented on an announcement about stricter gun laws here in NZ, saying relaxing our incredibly paralytic self-defense laws would probably be better, and someone almost immediately got carried away with the 'cuckservative gun-fucking cunt you deserve to die' stuff you hear enraged NPCs saying.

Never mind that I volunteered at the SPCA, or as a counsellor for youths, I present lectures to businesses in favour of Soc-Dem style labour rights and fostering a sense of local community in a world where the internet has globalized us and made us disconnected, or that I've heavily criticized a lot of censorship and authoritarian actions in other countries before now, and am an advocate for medical drugs -- no, because I like guns I must therefore be one of the strawman alt-right people that this person has been taught to hate on reflex.

HurricaneHank 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun 5 years ago

I must therefore be one of the strawman alt-right people that this person has been taught to hate on reflex.

Yeah, that strawman effect is becoming dangerous to our societies, IMO. We all need to become more willing to engage with people who are different from us, and learn they are (mostly) decent and kind people too. Internet echo-chambers are creating animosity where people would otherwise be getting along just fine. There are always going to be disagreements and differences of opinion, but they don't have to turn into that kind of ugly "reflex hate" that you got the bad end of.