

fred_red_beans 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

Blumenthal shilled for US intervention in Syria against Assad.

That's not correct. If you look at any of his work, Max Blumenthal has written and spoken directly against US intervention in Syria.


“They want to attack and intimidate people from the West who want to have cultural and personal contact with Syrians in the area where most Syrians live,” Blumenthal says. “I went there and I took that opportunity to have contact with them because I’ll take any reasonable opportunity to break the media blockade in countries targeted with regime change, and to show my fellow citizens what’s on the other side of the corporate media and the US national security state’s information war.”

Jesus 3 insightful - 4 fun3 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 4 fun 3 years ago

Not true... he is a controlled opposition. Who owns the GreyZone?

You forgot the part where Max spent years blacklisting people who opposed the US attack on Syria. Max is a snake. Always has been and I think if you read this post and the articles I linked (nearly all censored) you'll realize who Max really works for.


I noticed that it was publishing op-eds by people like Amal Saad-Ghorayeb, who were just openly apologetic of the Assad regime, if not cheerleading Assad as this kind of subaltern freedom fighter leading what she called a front-line resisting state, or Sharmine Narwani, the blogger who was nickel-and-diming civilian casualty counts, [..] ... This just was really too much for me. ... My problem was that the opinions at Al-Akhbar's website in support of the Assad regime, which I've identified specifically by Amal Saad-Ghorayeb and Sharmine Narwani and by the editor-in-chief, Ibrahim al-Amin, were not based on any journalistic fieldwork.

They're based on poring over YouTube clips, looking at textbooks, or really disturbing citations by Amin of anonymous regime sources, including documents that he cited which he referred to as investigations of people detained for trafficking weapons.

Rania Khalek - Max Blumenthal - Ben Norton ALL FRAUDS



Shilling propaganda

Blumenthal is a leftist Zionist.


Norton is a snake just like his Clinton kid buddy Max Blumenthal, who conveniently changed his tune at same time, once people started realizing he was subtly shilling the ousting of Assad.

Blocked me for asking him about 9/11 and Israel.

Howard Zinn has taken a similar view on 9/11 as Blumenthal perpetuating the limited hangout "blowback theory."

The important question in this theory is not WHO did 9/11 but why the Arab world hates us so much?

Leftist-Zionist gatekeepers are notorious pushers of this theory, such as Michael Tracey, Benjamin Norton, Matt Taibbi, Aaron Mate, the aforementioned Noam Chomsky and Max Blumenthal. The latter persons father being a state department stooge who called for US intervention in Syria as did Max, on twitter, before deleting it.

Of course, this theory is only meant to protect, intentionally or unintentionally, the real 9/11 perpetrators.

Max's war profiteer dad works for Clinton & Max himself had his "work" promoted by Hillary herself at US State dpt.

Which is why I think Max is the one directing these rhetorical changes by Rania and Ben(and others,likely).

Which leads to question of who is directing Max? Natural answer would seem to be Sid. Who owns Sid? Hillary.

He also attacked Alison Weir for her book exposing Israel.

Has Max Blumenthal criticized Hillary Clinton yet? His father worked for Bill Clinton


Its clear why Max tries so hard to police debate when it comes to Israel(ask Ken O'Keefe). Hes a politically connected fraud‪.‬

‪>‬"Its in our interest to support a thriving democracy in the Middle East(Israel)"-Sidney Blumenthal

Lets be clear, ‪Max Blumenthal‬ agrees with his father despite token criticisms of Israel. Max ignores worst crimes, helps smear their enemies.

This man is the definition of controlled opposition. With his Clinton employee father and his pro-war rhetoric on Syria etc. that I have proven in the posts above if you read them.

"Its recently come to light that Blumenthal was being paid $10,000 a month by Clinton while he was advising Hillary on Libya"

New Clinton Emails Show ‪@MaxBlumenthal‬ 's war profiteer father urged Hillary to be even more pro-war on Libya & Syria.


The Clinton & Blumenthal families-politically elite war profiteers


Use archive: https://t.co/Tj6bYDVt19?

Found here: https://web.archive.org/web/20170309080903/https://willyloman.wordpress.com/2015/06/02/killing-strangers-benghazi-and-the-blumenthal-trio/

Use archive: https://t.co/imGfzfc3nT?

Found here: https://web.archive.org/web/20160920220156/https://willyloman.wordpress.com/2012/06/24/the-right-to-destabilize-is-singular-a-farewell-to-max-blumenthal-and-hillarys-propagandists/

On Sept. 12, 2012, Max Blumenthal wrote an article in which he claimed the motive for the attack against the compound in Benghazi was Muslim outrage against a short film called “Innocence of the Muslims” crafted by a self-proclaimed Jew named Sam Bacile. It’s interesting to note that earlier this month it was revealed that Hillary Clinton forwarded a link to this article on the afternoon of Sept. 12 to a colleague less than two hours after Max posted it. It is not known how she came to find this article or who sent to her in the first place. That part of the story has been redacted. Max quickly went around the TV circuit doing interviews telling folks about “Sam Bacile” and the video which supposedly sparked the outrage. Max quickly became a front-man for the narrative. A false narrative.

"The senior Blumenthal referred his son’s work to Hillary Clinton, sending her transcripts and links to articles"


"Clinton appears to have asked that one of ‪@MaxBlumenthal‬ ’s articles be printed out in multiple copies for distribution."

So what does this mean? It means that ‪Max Blumenthal‬ amounts to controlled opposition.His pro-war outlook on Syria etc is welcomed by US gov.

Here's what Hillary said about ‪@MaxBlumenthal‬

Will Max’s piece be published anywhere else? Its powerful and touching.”."Max strikes again!"

“Pls congratulate ‪@MaxBlumenthal‬ for another impressive piece. He’s so good.”-Hillary Clinton.

Alison Weir. Gilad Atzmon. Ken O'Keefe. Mother Agnes Mariam. Just a few of the anti-war, anti-zionist voices that ‪@MaxBlumenthal‬ has smeared

We should just ignore how ‪@MaxBlumenthal‬ 's pro-war views on Syria and Libya dovetail with those of his Clinton employee father and Hillary's? No. We should not and any kind of gaslighting he wrote after is shilling does nothing to pardon his initial war shilling.

Just like we ignore how ‪@MaxBlumenthal‬ has smeared and blacklisted so many pro-Palestine and anti-war people (O'Keefe,Mother Agnes,Weir etc.)

Blumenthal ran a private intel service with CIA agent Tyler Drumheller


You don't think ‪Max Blumenthal‬ knew his dad was trying to score a huge contract with an "ex" CIA goon in post-war Libya? Of course he did. ‪And we should all know he did.‬

That's why ‪Ma‬x helped his father and his fathers boss Hillary sell war on Syria and Libya,and smeared those who stood in way. $$$

Sidney Blumenthal Sent Classified Info, Lobbied Clinton to Profit from Libya Intervention


"at same time Blumenthal pushed Clinton to war,he was pushing business interest of his own in Libya that stood to profit from regime change"

So, this should be awkward for people who blindly support ‪Max Blumenthal‬ -son of a war profiteer and Clinton hack and pro-war liar himself.

He also pretends to care for Palestine,so lets ignore how hes smeared pro-Palestine ppl, shilled for war & is son of a war profiteer.

So, in conclusion Max spewed pro-war rhetoric on Syria & Libya while his father was trying to profit from war he promoted with/to Hillary Clinton.

Jesus 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun 3 years ago

He is a snake.

fred_red_beans 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

Hi Jesus. Sorry it took me a while to respond. I appreciate your comments and response.

I was not aware (or perhaps I dismissed it at the time) of the anti-Assad rhetoric by Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal in 2012-2013.

We do have a response from Ben Norton in the comments of the MoA article:

My views on Syria evolved over a period of years. I readily admit that I was wrong and misguised early in the conflict.

Isn't is possible that Ben, Rania, and Max just changed their position?

What would be their motivation?

Ben continues:

the exact opposite of opportunism is true: challenging propaganda on Syria contributed to both me and Rania losing our jobs. Max, Rania, and I have been constantly smeared as "Assadists." Major news outlets have regularly refused our submissions because of Syria. My career has only been greatly harmed for speaking out on Syria. But I did it because I am infinitely more concerned with being on the side against imperialism, war, and capitalism than I am with getting bylines.

controlled opposition:

I think you're making a stretch declaring Max as controlled opposition. You've shown evidence that Max has changed his stance on Syria and that his dad Sid supported and even pushed Clinton toward US/NATO hegemony and empire. This does not explicitly demonstrate that Max is controlled though. I think it's fair to say that you suspect him of being controlled opposition as he would be aware of the actions of his father. We should all be skeptical of every information source we encounter. Real truth can only be found from within.

In many ways all opposition is controlled as we live in a controlled society. One that uses currency as a blind trust system where individuals give, receive, and use trust (currency) without consideration or consent to the outcomes that may directly conflict with their own moral beliefs and desires, such as giving tax dollars to a government that drone bombs innocent families.

My read on Max is that he is a passionate man who believes in what he is reporting. I don't believe he is lying or trying to be manipulative. Now, I have seen him do reporting critical of the Clintons, but not of his dad; but I could understand someone not speaking against a family member even if their views or actions are opposed to their own.

Of course, the best controlled opposition does not know they are being controlled, which is again why we should be skeptical of all information sources, do our own research, and draw our own conclusions. Even if you do suspect Max as controlled opposition, I think it would be erroneous from the standpoint of seeking truth to disregard his reporting as it is based on facts and goes directly against the propaganda that is the main stream narrative. He may be withholding information, certainly he's not saying anything against his dad or addressing his past stance and views, but he's one of the few journalists who are critical of the US/NATO actions in Syria, Venezuela, Yemen, etc.

I think he provides worthwhile reporting that should not just be dismissed as "controlled opposition".

Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

My views on Syria evolved over a period of years. I readily admit that I was wrong and misguised early in the conflict.

He's backpedaling because he knows he was losing credibility and showing his true intentions. After the successful Balkanization of Syria, albeit the state departments inability to oust Assad, Norton was probably, nevertheless, a happy man. I do not trust corporate connected snakes that spew two contradicting narratives, especially when the truth matters most. I remember those things, and although I'll forgive them for their misdeeds, I'll remain skeptical.

Isn't is possible that Ben, Rania, and Max just changed their position?

Studying their views on 9/11, no. They are in it for the money and will only go so far. Max frequently called 9/11 skeptics twoofers and lunatics after people started to realize the ZioCons involved in the planning and orchestration of the false flag.

Fine Max is not a controlled opposition, he is a propagandist with a war hawk father. Look at threads on ChrisRulon's twitter for reference. He sources many links on Blumenthal. That alone shows his true intentions.

Adam Green also provides some truthful reporting and yet he spews 10% disinfo and has connections to DevOps and Viastat. There's people like Max, who being journalists, one can obtain much truth from them; nevertheless, Max holds to their Jewish-ethno-nationalism even though they pretend not to. A few blogs have been written about this and I have seen Max do it often, such as attacking Alison Weirs book on how the 'US helped to find Israel,' telling all his viewers to never read it.

All I'm saying is that to make a job in that kind of industry you need to scratch each others backs.

Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago